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Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
Is NZ relevant
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E. Müll.
E. Müll.
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
Leptosphaeria nodorum

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Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952

The fungus was reported to be associated with a leaf blotch in wheat crops in Canterbury in the 1953 season. Wenham (1959) stated that the damage in New Zealand was due to Septoria tritici Desm. only but gave little proof for his decision. The species associated with leaf blotch on wheat in New Zealand needs further investigation.

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Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. (1952)
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. (1952)
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. (1952)
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. (1952)
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. (1952)
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. (1952)
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. (1952)

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Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952
New Zealand
Leptosphaeria nodorum E. Müll. 1952

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taxonomic status
Has anamorph taxon Septoria nodorum

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scientific name
23 July 2013
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