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Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. 1963

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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. 1963
NZ holotype
Lachnella nikau
Rhopalostylis sapida: [New Zealand] Auckland, Centennial Track, Piha, holotype PDD 18615.

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Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. 1963

PALMAE: Rhopalostylis sapida: Auckland, Centennial Track, Piha, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 18615.
Subiculum annual, white, arachnoid, of a few repent hyphae, forming irregular areas to 7 x 3 cm. Pilei closely aggregated but remaining distinct, at first globose, becoming cupulate, ceraceous, brittle, white, drying white, 0.1-0.25 mm diameter, seated upon narrow bases, pileus surface coarsely strigose with erect abhymenial hairs reaching a length of 130 µ, tapering from inflated bases (to 10 µ) to long-acuminate apices, walls hyaline, to 3 µ thick at bases, 0.5 µ near apices, finely and closely crystal encrusted, margin erect and fimbriate. Context delicate, white, to 20 µ thick, of closely compacted parallel hyphae, generative hyphae 2-2.5 µ diameter, walls 0.2 µ thick, hyaline. Hymenial layer to 35 µ deep, a close palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia clavate, 22-30 x 10-12 µ, bearing 4 spores; sterigmata arcuate, to 5 µ long. Paraphyses clavate, 16-22 x 7-9 µ. Spores elliptical, slightly obovate with oblique apiculi, or a few subfusiform, 11-14 x 6-7.5 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µ thick.
TYPE LOCALITY: Piha, Auckland, New Zealand.
HABITAT: crowded on bark of dead stipes.
Pilei ex subtile albo subiculo, globosi deinde cupulati; exteriore parte alba, crasse strigosa, pilis aculeatis, hyalinis; incrustatis. Basidia clavata, 22-30 x 10-12 µ. Sporae ellipticae vel obovatae, 11-14 x 6-7.5 µ. On dead stipes of Rhopalostylis sapida, Piha, Auckland, N.Z.
Abhymenial hairs are of unusual shape. Narrowly ventricose with inflated bases, they taper to the long-acuminate apices; walls are hyaline and thickened to 3 µ towards the base and closely encrusted. Basidia and spores are large, pilei delicate, and the subiculum is rudimentary.

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Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. 1963
Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. (1963)
Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. 1963
Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. (1963)
Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. 1963
Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. (1963)
Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. 1963
Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. (1963)
Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. 1963
Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. (1963)
Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. 1963
Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. (1963)
Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. 1963

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Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. 1963
New Zealand
Lachnella nikau G. Cunn. 1963
New Zealand

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Rhopalostylis sapida: [New Zealand] Auckland, Centennial Track, Piha, holotype PDD 18615.

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13 July 1998
1 May 2003
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