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Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. 1963

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New Zealand
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Cunningham 1963

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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. 1963
NZ holotype
Lachnella coprosmae
Coprosma foetidissima: [New Zealand], Westland, Pukekura, 30 m, holotype PDD 18633, isotype BPI 659957, DAOM 94343

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Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. 1963

RUBIACEAE. Coprosma foetidissima: Westland, Pukekura, 30 m, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 18633; The Forks, Okarito.
Pilei annual, scattered, rarely crowded, membranous, fragile, clavate becoming urniform, 0.25-0.75 mm diameter, 0.5-1.25 mm long, attached by narrow bases; exterior bay or tan, densely tomentose, abhymenial hairs tortuous, tapering to long-acuminate apices, to 3-5 µ diameter, aseptate, unbranched, walls hyaline, 0.5 µ thick, staining, some encrusted with deciduous crystals; margin inturned, fibrillose, lacerate; hymenia surface even, concave, tan. Context pallid tan, to 80 µ thick, of closely compacted radiately arranged parallel hyphae; generative hyphae to 4 µ diameter, walls 0.2 µ thick, tinted yellow, without clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 45 µ deep, a close palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia clavate, 22-28 x 7-9 µ, bearing 2-4 spores; sterigmata erect, slender, to 5 µ long. Paraphyses subclavate, 16-24 x 6-7 µ. Spores pip-shaped, obliquely apiculate, 7-8 x 3.5-4 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µ thick, often adhering in fours.
TYPE LOCALITY: Pukekura; Westland, New Zealand.
HABITAT: Scattered on bark of dead twigs.
Pilei solitarii, basi prominente adjuncti, clavati diende urniformes; exteriore parte badia, tomentosa, pilis tortuosis, ad apicem acuminatum fastigatis, hyalinis, incrustatis. Basidia clavata, 22-28 x 7-9 µ. Sporae obovatae, attenuato-afibulatae, 7-8 x 3.5-4 µ. On dead bark of Coprosma foetidissima, Pukekura, Westland, N.Z.
Characterised by the tortuous abhymenial hairs of the pileus surface, narrow pip-shaped spores, tan colour of the fragile, irregularly shaped pilei, pallid yellow walls of context hyphae, and absence of clamp connections. Abhymenial hairs are densely crowded and stain deeply with aniline blue; at first they are encrusted with fine crystals, which gradually disappear so that in mature plants most hairs are naked.

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Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. 1963
Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. (1963)
Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. 1963
Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. (1963)
Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. 1963
Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. (1963)
Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. 1963
Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. (1963)
Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. 1963
Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. (1963)
Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. 1963
Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. (1963)
Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. 1963

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Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. 1963
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Lachnella coprosmae G. Cunn. 1963
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
Agerer suggested this species belongs in Maireina and that is supported by sequence data. [JAC]
Coprosma foetidissima: [New Zealand], Westland, Pukekura, 30 m, holotype PDD 18633, isotype BPI 659957, DAOM 94343

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scientific name
13 July 1998
15 December 2003
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