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Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb, New Zealand J. Bot. 10 468 (1972)
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972

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Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
NZ holotype
Laccaria fibrillosa
sub Nothofago fusca. [New Zealand], Nelson: Lake Daniels track, 15.v. 1969, R. F. R. McNabb, holotype PDD 29639

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Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972

Under (1) N. fusca, Nelson: Lake Daniels track, 15.V.1969, R. F. R. McN., (HOLOTYPE, PDD29639); Maruia, 25.iv.l969, R. F. R. McN.; 17.V.1971, R. F. R. and A. J. McN. (four collections). (2) N. menziesii, Lake Daniels track, 26.iv.l969, 16.V.1969 (2 collections), R. F. R. McN.; Wellington: Tongariro National Park, Maungatoetoe,, J. B. Taylor, PDD 29381. (3) N. menziesii and N. solandri, Canterbury: Lewis Pass, near Boyle River, 25.iv.l969, R. F. R. and R. J. McN.; 25.iv.l969, R. F. R. McN.; (4) N. solandri. Wellington: Tongariro National Park, Whakapapanui Stream, 30.iv.l967, R. F. R. McN„ PDD 29380; Canterbury: Lewis Pass, near Dans Bridge, 25.iv.l969, R. F. R. McN.; Nelson: Maitai,, G. Stevenson, (In Herb. G. Stevenson-Cone, 1138,K). (5) N. solandri var. cliffortioides. Canterbury: Cass,, M. J. Noonan. (6) Nothofagus sp., Canterbury: Arthur's Pass, R. Mason, (In Herb. G. Stevenson-Cone, 957. K).
PILEUS: 0.5-3.5 cm diam., strongly convex when young, convex to plano-convex at maturity, typically umbonate, hygrophanous, non-viscid, innately radially fibrillose, ends of fibrils often reflexed giving pileus a finely scurfy appearance in centre, aggregated towards margins, background colour buff with faint violaceous tints, fibrils dark brown to brownish black in centre, paling towards margins, margins often dentate to lacerate with age. Cuticle composed of unspecialised, repent, interwoven, thin-walled, clamped hyphae 7-13 µm diam, with dark brown contents and often roughened walls near surface. LAMELLAE: adnexed to adnate, distant, intermixed, thick, to 5 mm deep, pallid violaceous, often turning buff with age, glaucous. STIPE: 2-7 cm long, ± equal or slightly expanded basally, 1.5-3 mm diam., tough, dry, hollow, longitudinally fibrillose-striate, pallid, violaceous when young, becoming buff from base upwards at maturity, finally entirely buff except for violaceous tints at extreme apex; flesh concolorous with exterior; basal mycelium pallid violaceous. SPORES : spore print white when fresh; spores globose to subglobose, rarely broadly elliptical, apiculate, hyaline, inamyloid, coarsely echinulate, 10-12.5-(13.5) µm diam. including spines, spines 1.5-2.5 µm long. HYMENIUM: basidia hyaline, clavate, 35-53 X 10-13.5 µm, 4-spored, sterigmata to 9.5 µm long; paraphyses simple or irregularly and sparingly branched apically. HYMENOPHORAL TRAMA : regular, composed of tinted, parallel-interwoven, long-celled hyphae; clamp connections present. CONTEXT OF PILEUS: thin, pallid, violaceous, turning buff at maturity. SMELL AND TASTE: not distinctive. CHEMICAL CHARACTERS: unknown.
Gregarious to caespitose under Nothofagus.
Stevenson, Kew Bull. 19: 10, fig, 6, (left hand pair); pi. I, fig. 5, (right hand group). 1964.
Pileus convexus ad plano-convexum, umbonatus, 0.5-3.5 cm diam., radialiter fibrillosus, subtiliter exasperatus in centre, violaceo-tinctus, fibrillae atro-brunneae. Lamellae adnexae ad adnatas, distantes, crassae, ad 5 mm altae, pallide violaceae, bubalinae ubi maturae. Stipes 2-7 cm longus, plus minusve aequalis, 1.5-3 mm diam., cavus, in longitudinem fibrilloso-striatus, pallide violaceus, bubalinus ubi maturus. Sporae globosae ad subglobosas, hyalinae, echinulatae, 10-12.5-(13.5) µm diam. cum spinis, spinae 1.5-2.5 µm longae. Basidia tetraspora.
Laccaria fibrillosa is one of the two species described by Stevenson (1964) under L. masonii, and is characterised by the typically umbonate pileus covered with dark, radially arranged fibrils. The conspicuous violaceous colour of young fructifications rapidly disappears with age. L. fibrillosa is found in Nothofagus dominated habitats.
PDD 29639.

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Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb (1972)
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb (1972)
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb (1972)
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb (1972)
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb (1972)
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb (1972)
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb (1972)
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb (1972)
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb (1972)
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb (1972)
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
Laccaria masoniae sensu G. Stev. (1964)
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972

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Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
New Zealand
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
New Zealand
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
New Zealand
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
New Zealand
Otago Lakes
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
New Zealand
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
New Zealand
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
New Zealand
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
New Zealand
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
New Zealand
Laccaria fibrillosa McNabb 1972
New Zealand

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sub Nothofago fusca. [New Zealand], Nelson: Lake Daniels track, 15.v. 1969, R. F. R. McNabb, holotype PDD 29639

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1 January 2000
15 December 2003
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