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Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini 1998

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Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini 1998

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Samuels & Petrini
Samuels & Petrini
Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini 1998
N.S.W., Australia
Hypocrea pseudokoningii
Type Australia, NSW.

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Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini 1998

ADDITIONAL TELEOMORPH SPECIMENS EXAMINED. - NEW ZEALAND. NORTH ISLAND, GISBORNE: Urewera National Park, Lake Waikaremoana, Black Beech Track, on bark of Beilschmiedia tawa, 22 May 1981, G.J.S. et al. (PDD 46795, BPI; culture G.J.S. 81-300 = CBS 432.97, EMBL X93971). SOUTH ISLAND, NELSON: Nelson, Dun St. Walkway, on decorticated wood of Leptospermum sp., 20 Apr. 1983, G.J.S. et al. (PDD 46456, BPI; culture G.J.S. 83-257 = CBS 583.92, EMBL X93970). SOUTH ISLAND, WESTLAND: Harihari, Lower Pueora Valley, on bark of Dacrydium (Dacryocarpus) cupressinum, 5 Apr. 1963, J. M. Dingley s.n. (PDD 23871, ICMP 5421, EMBL X93972).
ANAMORPH CULTURES EXAMINED.- AUSTRALIA. Locality unknown, from soil under Pinus radiata, date unknown, J. Warcup A295/1 (as T. hamatum, ATCC 18646, EMBL X93985). SRI LANKA. locality unknown, from soil, J. Webster (as T. koningii, CBS 187.68 = ATCC 81649). UNITED STATES. NEW HAMPSHIRE: White Mountain National Forest, isolated from the forest floor, mixed woods, date unknown, D. S. Abrahamson #12 (as T. longibrachiatum, DAOM 210151, EMBL Z82908).
Anamorph: Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rifai, Mycol. Pap. 116: 45. 1969.
Stromata in vivo discrete, scattered or cespitose, circular to irregular in outline and margin tending to be lobed, (n = 84) (1.0-)1.5-4.2(-10.0) mm diam, 1-2 mm high, centrally attached to the substratum with margins free, surface plane to slightly convex, at most slightly wrinkled, perithecia not evident, ostiolar openings not visible or barely visible and appearing as black dots against the darker background, dark brown to nearly black or black when dry, not reacting to KOH; internal tissue white, not reacting to KOH; perithecial wall colorless, becoming reddish in KOH. Stroma surface a 15-25 µm thick crust, formed of short-celled (3-5 µm), densely intertwined, pigmented hyphae with walls ca. 0.5 µm wide, turning olivaceous in lactic acid; the ostiolar region of the perithecium not anatomically differentiated from the surrounding stromal surface; a layer of amorphous scurf on stromal surface. Tissue immediately below stromal surface of densely intertwined, much branched, 3-4 µm wide hyphae with walls < 0.5 µm thick. Internal tissue below perithecia of densely intertwined, 4-7 µm wide, septate, thin-walled hyphae. Perithecia crowded, tending to be ellipsoidal, (n 97) (170-)194-246(-286) µm high, (106-)131-173 (-214) µm wide, ostiolar canal (49-)66-86(-100) µm long. Asci cylindrical, (n = 118) (53-)61-81(-102) x (3.2-)4.0-6.0(-7.2) µm, part-ascospores uniseriate, ascal apex thickened and with a pore. Part-ascospores monomorphic subglobose to ellipsoidal, (n = 118) (2.7-)3.5-5.2(-4.5) x (2.2-)3.0-3.5(-2.5) µm, hyaline, warted.
Colonies on SNA sterile or with conidia dispersed in the scant aerial mycelium in at most two concentric bands. Colonies on PDA tending to produce abundant cottony, white aerial mycelium and few conidia. Conidial production best at 30-35°C with conidia tending to form in the aerial mycelium of one narrow ring, with at most a slight tendency to aggregate; conidia Greyish Green to Deep Green (27-28C-E5-8); a pale yellow pigment sometimes diffusing through the agar, depending on the culture. On CMD conidiophores arising from along aerial hyphae or in minute, ill-defined, cottony tufts; in concentric rings or in a broad band around the margin. Fertile axes tending to have a plumose aspect with phialides arising singly over an average distance of 40 µm; primary branches producing solitary phialides as well as secondary branches, each of which terminates in 1-4 phialides in a divergent whorl, the further from the tip of the fertile axis, the more richly branched and the longer the primary branch. Phialides cylindrical to slightly enlarged in the middle when solitary, tending to be enlarged in the middle when arranged in whorls, (n = 208) (4.2-)6.0-10.0(-14.0) µm long, (2.0-)2.5-3.5(-4.5) µm at the widest point, (1.0-)1.5-2.5(-3.7) µm at base, straight with no tendency to be hooked or sinuous; subtending hyphae under the phialides (1.7-) 1.5-2.5(-4.2) µm wide. Intercalary phialides present but not abundant. Conidia oblong, (n = 208) (2.7-)3.5-5.5(-9.7) x (1.7-)2.2-3.0(-5.0) µm, smooth. Chlamydospores globose to subglobose, (n = 161) (3.8-)5.0-8.5(-16.5) µm diam, terminal or rarely intercalary, abundant or not.
KNOWN DISTRIBUTION.- The teleomorph is known only from Australia and New Zealand. The anamorph has been isolated from Australia, the United States (New Hampshire), and Sri Lanka.
HABITAT.- Teleomorph found on bark and decorticated wood of dicotyledonous and gymnospermous trees. Anamorph found as a soil fungus.
Hypocreae schweinitzii similis, sed majoribus conidiis, (2.7-)3.5-5.5(-9.7) x (1.7-)2.2-3.0(-5.0) µm coloniisque temperatura 35 et 40°C lentius crescentibus (coloniae radius 64 horis elapsis 56 mm temperatura 35°C et 21 mm temperatura 40°C).
Anamorphosis Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rifai.
HOLOTYPUS OF BOTH MORPHS.- P.H.B. Talbot H-1 (Sheffield 5116, in SHD-M). Cultures NS 19, CBS 408.91, DAOM 167678; EMBL Z31014).
ETYMOLOGY.- pseudokoningii, in reference to the Trichoderma anamorph.
NOTES.- Trichoderma pseudokoningii is often reported in the literature but the results of our earlier studies (Kuhls et al., 1996, 1997; Turner et al., 1997) have shown that strains of T. longibrachiatum and T. citrinoviride have been frequently misidentified as this species. Rifai (1969) clearly stated that the original isolate of T. pseudokoningii was obtained from ascospores of a Hypocrea species collected in eastern Australia (Talbot H-1). That specimen is preserved in the mycological collections of Sheffield University. It is morphologically very close to H. schweinitzii, the teleomorph of which is known only from eastern United States and Europe; the differences are mainly manifested in the anamorphs and in the cultures. The most conspicuous morphological difference between H. pseudokoningii and H. schweinitzii are seen, respectively, in the somewhat larger conidia and phialides measured on CMD (see Table 1) and in the much smaller colony radius on PDA at 40°C after 65 h.
In our study we found only two strains of T. pseudokoningii that originated outside of Australasia, viz. DAOM 210151, which was collected in New Hampshire (U.S.A) and CBS 817.68, which was collected in Sri Lanka. Results of isozyme (Leuchtmann et al., 1996) and rDNA sequence analyses (Kuhls et al., 1997 and Lieckfeldt, unpubl.) place these strains with H. pseudokoningii. It should be noted that conidia of DAOM 210151 are smaller than is typical for this species (3.2 ± 0.3 x 2.2 ± 0.2 µm, n = 37 vs. 4.5 ± 1.0 x 2.6 ± 0.4 µm). DAOM 210151 differs most conspicuously from T. longibrachiatum in failing to produce yellow pigment and in its relatively poor growth on PDA at 40°C after 65 h (radius = 25 mm). The strain CBS 817.68 conforms well to T. pseudokoningii.
Of the Hypocrea species from this complex found in New Zealand, H. pseudokoningii is distinguished in having black stromata. Its part-ascospores, especially the distal parts, are somewhat longer than is found in H. novaezelandiae but the dimensions of the part-ascospores overlap with those of H. orientalis. Conidia are intermediate in length between those produced by H. orientalis or H. novaezelandiae. The length/width ratio of phialides of H. pseudokoningii (2.7) is significantly smaller than it is for either H. orientalis (3.1) or H. novaezelandiae (3.3).
HOLOTYPE.- AUSTRALIA. NEW SOUTH WALES (?): on decayed wood, May 1963, P. H. B. Talbot H-1 (SHD-M 5116; cultures NS19, CBS 480.91, DAOM 167678; EMBL Z31014).

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Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini 1998
Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini (1998)
Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini 1998
Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini (1998)
Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini 1998
Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini 1998
Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini 1998
Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini (1998)
Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini 1998

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Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini 1998
New Zealand
Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini 1998
New Zealand
Hypocrea pseudokoningii Samuels & Petrini 1998
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
Has anamorph taxon Trichoderma pseudokoningii
Type Australia, NSW.

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scientific name
12 November 1999
25 July 2013
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