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Hypocrea manuka Dingley 1952

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Hypocrea manuka Dingley, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79 327 (1952)
Hypocrea manuka Dingley 1952

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New Zealand
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Hypocrea manuka Dingley 1952
NZ holotype
Hypocrea manuka
Leptospermum scoparium [New Zealand], Auckland. Bay of Islands, Ngaitonga Ra., June, 1948, holotype PDD 10450

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Hypocrea manuka Dingley 1952

Leptospermum scoparium Forst. Auckland. Bay of Islands, Ngaitonga Ra., June 1948, J.M.D. (type collection); Whangarei, June 1948, J.M.D. Unknown host Auckland. Hanna Range, Kohukohunui, October 1949, J.M.D.
Stroma pulvinate, convoluted, 5 x 2-8 mm., 0.5-1.5 mm. thick, aggregated in clusters, ochraceous, or chestnut brown when dry and mature, luteus when fresh, wrinkled, punctate with dark coloured ostioles, margins incurved and united to bark or decorticated wood, pseudoparenchymatous, outer cells 2-5 µ, pigmented and thickened, inner cells 8-10 µ diameter, hyaline, loosely aggregated. Perithecia oval, 0.2-0.3 x 0.15-0.2 mm., superficially arranged on stroma, ostiole 60-70 µ long, papillate, perithecial wall 10-15 µ thick, pigmented. Asci cylindrical, 65-90 x 4 µ, ends truncate with 16 unicellular part-spores, uniseriate; pseudoparaphyses evanescent. Part-spores globose or cuboid, 3.5-4.5 x 3.5 µ, hyaline, finely echinulate.
Distribution: New Zealand.
Habitat: On rotten wood.
Stroma pulvinatum 2-8 x 0-5-1-5 mm., in coronas aggregatum, ochraceum vel brunneo-castaneum, rugosum, pseudoparenchymatum, marginibus incurvatis et ad substratum conjunctum. Perithecia ovata 0.2-0.3 x 0.15-0.2 mm. in regione superficiali stromatis ordinata, ostiolo 60-70 µ longo, non papillato. Asci cylindrici 65-90 x 4 µ, 16 sporis unicellularibus pseudoparaphysibus evanescentibus. Sporae divisae, globosae vel cuboides 3.5-4.5 x 3.5 µ, hyalinae, subtiliter echinulatae.
Stromata are aggregated in clusters, usually on the undersurface of logs. The species is similar to H. patella Cooke and Peck, but the stroma is large and forms a convoluted mass which when dried shrinks to at least half its size.
Leptospermum scoparium Forst. Auckland. Bay of Islands, Ngaitonga Ra., June 1948, J.M.D. (type collection)

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Hypocrea manuka Dingley 1952
Hypocrea manuka Dingley
Hypocrea manuka Dingley 1952
Hypocrea manuka Dingley (1952)
Hypocrea manuka Dingley 1952
Hypocrea manuka Dingley (1952)

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Hypocrea manuka Dingley 1952
New Zealand
Hypocrea manuka Dingley 1952
New Zealand
Hypocrea manuka Dingley 1952
New Zealand

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Leptospermum scoparium [New Zealand], Auckland. Bay of Islands, Ngaitonga Ra., June, 1948, holotype PDD 10450

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15 December 2003
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