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Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952

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Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952
NZ holotype
Hypocrea hunua
[New Zealand], Auckland. Hunua Ra., Mangatawhiri Stream, August, 1946, J. M. D., holotype PDD 10455, epitype MBT 201073, CBS H 13531

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Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952

Coprosma robusta Raoul Auckland. Titirangi, May 1950, J.M.D. Podocarpus ferrugineus D.Don Auckland. Rotorua, Te Whaiti, June 1950, J.M.D. Unknown host Auckland. Hunua Ra., Mangatawhiri Stream, August 1946, J.M.D. (type collection).
Stroma irregular, pulvinate, convoluted or cerebriform when fresh, 2.5-4 mm. diameter, often united to form an effuse stroma up to 2 cm. in length, 1-1.25 mm. thick, vinaceous brown, when fresh buff suffused vinaceous brown, tuberculate, tubercles corresponding to underlying perithecia, ostiole papillate, dark coloured, margins incurved, united to substratum, pseudoparenchymatous, outer cells 3-5 µ diameter, compacted, pigmented and thickened, inner cells up to 10 µ diameter, hyaline. Perithecia oval or pyriform, 0.3-0.5 x 0.25 mm., immersed in superficial zone of stroma, ostiole 75-100 µ long, papillate, perithecial wall 5-10 µ thick, hyaline. Asci cylindrical, 100-180 x 4-51, with 16 part-spores, uniseriate; pseudoparaphyses evanescent. Part-spores globose, 5-6 µ, oval or pyriform then 6-8 x 4-5 µ, lightly pigmented yellow, echinulate.
Distribution: New Zealand.
Habitat: On rotten wood.
Stroma inaequale, convolutum, 2.5-4 mm. diam. confluens ut stroma effusum, ultra 1 cm. longum 1-1.25 mm. densum brunneo-vinosum, tuberculatum, pseudoparenchymatum formet. Perithecia ovata vel pyriformia 0.3-0.5 x 0.25 mm., in regione inaequale superficiali immersa, ostiolo papillato 75-100 µ longo. Asci cylindrici 100-180 x 4-5 µ, 16 sporis divisis pseudoparaphysibus evanescentibus. Sporae divisae globosae 5-6 µ vel ovatae 6-8 x 4-5 µ echinulatae, pallide luteae.
Spores are larger than those of H. pulvinata and the stroma is dark vinaceous brown when dry. Similarly the effuse tuberculate stroma separates this species from H. rufa or H. vinosa.
Unknown host Auckland. Hunua Ra., Mangatawhiri Stream, August 1946, J.M.D. (type collection).

Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952

Cultures growing similar to H. rufa, floccose, rarely discolouring media; conidia formed within five days, olivaceous green, formed irregularly over whole surface of culture. Mycelium 4-6 µ diameter, often with intercalary vesicles 10 µ diameter. Conidiophores often formed in tufts, 10-80 µ long, usually verticillately branched immediately below the transverse septa. Phialides arranged in terminal or lateral whorls of 2-5, short, rarely elongated, 5-10 x 2.5-5.5 µ. Conidia mostly globose 3-4 µ, echinulate and pigmented.

Chlamydospores usually absent.

Perithecia formed in cultures 4-6 weeks old. Cultures are identical with those of T. viride.

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Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952
Hypocrea hunua Dingley (1952)
Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952
Hypocrea hunua Dingley (1952)
Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952
Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952
Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952
Hypocrea hunua Dingley (1952)
Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952
Hypocrea hunua Dingley (1952)

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Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952
New Zealand
Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952
New Zealand
Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952
New Zealand
Hypocrea hunua Dingley 1952
New Zealand

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[New Zealand], Auckland. Hunua Ra., Mangatawhiri Stream, August, 1946, J. M. D., holotype PDD 10455, epitype MBT 201073, CBS H 13531

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scientific name
25 March 2014
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