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Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
Is NZ relevant
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Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid, Kew Bull. 1955 644 (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
found also in Australia [Horak, pers. comm.]

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D.A. Reid
(Massee) D.A. Reid
as 'brunnea'
NZ holotype
Hypholoma brunneum

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Pileus subglobose, then expanding until almost plane, margin usually drooping, slightly umbonate, sometimes depressed round the umbo, 1-3 cm, across, even, glabrous, uniform dark-brown; flesh thin, pale greenish-yellow; gills adnexed, becoming almost or quite free as the pileus expands, crowded, rather broad, rusty-brown at maturity; spores elliptical, 5 x 3 µ, rusty; stem 3-7 cm. long, slender, almost equal, paler than the pileus, almost or quite smooth.
New Zealand.
On logs.
Sent to Kew by Colenso mixed with F. purpureo-nitens, from which it differs, as also from every other described species, by the dark-brown pileus and greenish-yellow flesh. Fasciculate.

Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956

TASMANIA: caespitose, on deep seed boxes, made from Pinus sp., the timber of which had been steam sterilized, Hobart, E.G. Wingrave, May and August 1953 [Herb. F.P.S.M. No. 3818].
Pileus 4-5 cm. or more in diameter, dark olive brown to nearly black when fresh, smooth above, plane, but margin occasionally inrolled. Stipe up to 6 cm. in length, hollow, glabrous, concolorous with cap. Flesh very thin, silky, fibrous, ochraceous, drying yellowish, homogeneous with that of stipe. Gills adnate, interlaminated, 0-5 cm. wide, olive-tinted cinnamon, dusky. Pleurocystidia present, 25-32 x 11-12 µ, clavate, with brown contents. Spores brown under the microscope, elliptical, monoguttulate, with well defined apical germ-pores, 6 -7.5 x 3.5-4 µ (7-8 x 4-4.5 µ in the type collection).
This fungus which is a problem to nurserymen in Tasmania, was hitherto known only from New Zealand.

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Flammula brunnea Massee 1899 [1898]
Flammula brunnea Massee (1899) [1898]
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid (1956)

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Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Otago Lakes
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand
Hypholoma brunneum (Massee) D.A. Reid 1956
New Zealand

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scientific name
1 January 2001
26 September 2003
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