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Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. 1963 [1962]

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G. Stev.
G. Stev.
Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
NZ holotype
Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus
in litter under forest, Keith George Park, Wellington, [New Zealand], Stevenson 373. 15.VI.1949 holotype K(M)

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Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. 1963 [1962]

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. 1963 [1962]

Pileus 2-4.5 cm. diam., blackish brown, paler with orange or green tints at first, matt, becoming covered in age with radiating fibrils; flesh yellow with a brown layer immediately under the pellicle. Gills free to adnexed, deep, rather distant, rather thick, pinkish orange with yellow margins. Stipe 4-6 X 0.5-1 cm., orange to scarlet, hollow, sometimes grooved and split. Spores 10-11 X 5-6 µm., oblong, hyaline, thin-walled. Basidia 40-45 X 6-9 µm., four-spored.
habitat; in litter under forest, Keith George Park, Wellington, 30.5.1949 & 15.6.1949; Levin, 22.6.1958; all Stevenson.
Pileus 2-4.5 cm. Diam., atro-brunneus, primo pallidior, aurantiaco vel viridi tinctus, impolitus, senectute radialiter fibrillosus; came intus flavida sub cuticula pilei brunnea. Lamellae liberae vel adnexae, latae, subdistantes, crassiusculae, roseo-aurantiacae, ad aciem luteolae. Stipes 4-6 X 0.5-1 cm., ex aurantiaco miniatus, cavus, interdum canaliculatus fissusque. Sporae 10-11 X 5-6 µm, oblongae, hyalinae, teniuter tunicatae.
Typus: Stevenson 645

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Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. (1963) [1962]

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Hygrophorus fuscoaurantiacus G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
New Zealand

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in litter under forest, Keith George Park, Wellington, [New Zealand], Stevenson 373. 15.VI.1949 holotype K(M)

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scientific name
1 January 2000
17 August 2018
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