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Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer 1986

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New Zealand
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The NZ taxon is probably indigenous and not H. hirsuta sensu stricto

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(Tode) Singer
Hemimycena hirsuta

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Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer 1986

New Zealand, Canterbury, Ashley, Mt Grey, Kowai River Reserve, 10.xii.1968, Horak (PDD: ZT 68-682).
Pileus to 6 mm diam., hemispheric, soon becoming convex to flat-expanded, centre occasionally depressed, in mature specimens incurved margin dentate-lobate, white, densely covered (hand-lens) with white, strigose hairs. Lamellae none, hymenophore smooth or with few inconspicuous, radially arranged folds, decurrent on stipe, white. Stipe to 4 X 0.3 mm, central, cylindrical, straight to slightly curved, white, pruinose to tomentose overall, fragile, dry, solid, solitary in groups, insititious (byssus or basal disc absent). Odour absent. Basidiospores 9.5-12 X 4- 5 µm, subfusiform to broadly comma-shaped, inequilateral in side profile, smooth, hyaline, inamyloid. Basidia 24-30 X 5-7 µm, constantly bisporic, cylindric to subclavate, sterigmata up to 5 µm long, clamped. Hymenial cystidia absent. Pileipellis a cutis of entangled hyphae (2.5-7 µm) with wart-like, finger-like or more rarely coralloid projections, terminal cells erect, 20-90 µm long, with irregular finger-like projections at base, but smooth towards gradually attenuated tips, non-gelatinous, thick-walled (up to 2 µm diam.), septa clamped. Oleiferous hyphae absent. Stipe tissue monomitic. Stipe cortical hyphae smooth to diverticulate, thick-walled (up to 2 µm), hyaline. Caulocystidia 30-110 X 4-8 µm, scattered, awl-shaped or fusiform with long tapering neck, thick-walled (up to 2 µm).
On rotting leaves of Carex sp. or Uncinia sp. (Cyperaceae). Known from the South Island of New Zealand.
This is the first report of Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer (sensu Redhead 1981) from New Zealand, which extends its known area of distribution (Eurasia, Morocco in northern Africa, North America) to the southern hemisphere

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Helotium hirsutum Tode (1790)
Helotium hirsutum Tode (1790)
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer 1986
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer 1986
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer (1986)
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer 1986
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer (1986)
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer 1986
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer (1986)
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer 1986
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer (1986)
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer 1986
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer (1986)
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer 1986
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer 1986
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer (1986)

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Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer 1986
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer 1986
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Hemimycena hirsuta (Tode) Singer 1986
New Zealand

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scientific name
1 January 2001
10 May 2011
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