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Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. 1825

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
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Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr., Syst. Orb. Veg. 78 (1825)

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(Fr.) Fr.
Lentinus lepideus

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Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. 1825

Pileus fleshy, tough, convex, then depressed and unequal, pale dingy-ochraceous, becoming broken up into darker spot-like squamules, 4-8 cm. across; flesh 4-6 mm. thick at the disc, white; gills decurrent, slightly sinuate, 4-6 mm, broad, margin irregular, torn, transversely striate, whitish or tinged with yellow; spores narrowly elliptical, smooth, 7 x 3 µ; stem usually 2-3 cm. long but sometimes longer, about 1 cm. thick, tapering below into a rooting base, hard, pale, with downy squamules, the veil soon disappearing.
Dannevirke, New Zealand. Australia, Europe, Siberia, United States.
On logs, stumps, &c.
Showy, large, firm, much deformed, often somewhat excentric ; smell pleasant. Often white. Developing into very grotesque forms when growing in dark situations.

Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. 1825

This species, common and widespread outside New Zealand, was collected at Hokio, 30.8.1948 and is recorded by Massee (1898).

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Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. 1825
Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. 1825
Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. 1825
Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. (1825)
Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. 1825
Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. (1825)
Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. 1825
Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. (1825)
Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. 1825
Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. (1825)
Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. 1825
Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. (1825)

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Lentinus lepideus (Fr.) Fr. 1825

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scientific name
1 January 2001
11 September 2012
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