Lentinellus marginatus Segedin 1996

Lentinellus marginatus Segedin, New Zealand J. Bot. 34 258 (1996)
Lentinellus marginatus Segedin 1996
NZ holotype
Lentinellus marginatus
Lentinellus marginatus Segedin 1996
MATERIAL EXAMINED: NEW ZEALAND: South I.: South Canterbury, Peel Forest, G. M. Taylor, 22 Jul 1967, GMT 374 PDD 63251(holotype). North I.: Auckland, Waitakere Ra., Waiatarua, on rotten, standing tree, J. M. Dingley, 26 Jul 72, PDD 63250.
Basidioma convex, dimidiate to ligulate, sessile or laterally stipitate. Pileus 10-25 mm diam. (dry measurement), dull pinkish-fawn when fresh (G. M. Taylor field notes), when dried greyish-orange, sahara, sienna (6C5-6D5 K&W), darker at the margin, surface smooth, sometimes with scattered, minute white to buff hairs near the stipe attachment, margin inrolled, lacerate. Lamellae pale pinkish-fawn when fresh (G. M. Taylor field notes), with a white margin (J. M. Dingley field notes), drying yellowish-brown (6C4 K&W), relatively broad, moderately distant, in three series, adnate to decurrent, edge broadly lacerate. Stipe when present lateral, small, button-like or up to 10 mm long by 3 mm broad, cylindrical, typically clothed in a tangled tomentum through which protrude dark red-brown to black bristly hairs, up to 2 mm long, particularly noticeable in older basidiomata. Taste and smell unknown. Spore print white, becoming cream.
Spores 4.0-5.5 x 3.5 4.5 (4.9 x 4.0) µm, Q = 1.2, subglobose, hyaline, wall strongly amyloid, with short peg-like ornamentation and distinct apiculus. Basidia 20 - 30 x 6 µm, clavate, mostly 4-spored, sometimes 2-spored, each with clamp connection on basal septum. Leptocystidia plentiful on all parts of the lamellae, mostly subulate, narrowly to broadly fusiform or narrowly lageniform, 30-60 x 3 - 12 µm, thin-walled, usually without contents and each with a clamp connection at the base. A few clavate to lanceolate pseudocystidia also present. Trama of more or less parallel, thin-walled, clamped, descending hyphae, up to 3 µm diam. Many parallel, oleiferous hyphae present, 3-5 µm diam., becoming contorted, with some empty segments and slight epimembranal incrustation, near the very narrow, cellular sub-hymenium. No thick-walled hyphae in trama. Trama ochraceous in KOH, negative in Melzer's reagent. Context of interwoven hyphae, relatively thin-walled, up to 6 µm diam., with plentiful oleiferous hyphae concentrated particularly near the pileipellis. Oleiferous hyphae up to 7 µm diam., often much contorted and with swellings up to 14 µm diam. Skeletal hyphae absent. Middle region of context dextrinoid but colour fades fairly quickly. Pileipellis of repent, interwoven, yellowish-brown, thin-walled hyphae, 2 - 3 µm diam., with many interspersed oleiferous hyphae, the ends of which protrude as numerous pseudocystidia, especially near the stipe attachment. Pseudocystidia clavate, lageniform or lanceolate, 50- 90 x 12 - 13 µm, walls only slightly thickened at first but those towards the stipe becoming thick-walled. Sections through the margin of the pileus show clusters of clavate cells 20-30 x 5 - 7µm, intermingled with basidia and pseudocystidia. The apices of these clavate cells become converted into thick-walled chlamydospores, subpyriform when first produced but after secession becoming subspherical, 5.5-8.0 x 4.5-6.5 (7.15 x 5.8) µm, Q = 1.2, with walls up to 3 µm thick, inamyloid, not dextrinoid. Stipe of more or less parallel hyphae up to 3 µm diam. with slightly thickened walls, together with oleiferous hyphae of slightly larger diameter and some thick-walled hyphae up to 6 µm diam., with walls up to 2 µm. Surface tomentum of stipe of tangled, hyaline, branched, narrow (up to 2 µm) clamped hyphae, mixed with oleiferous hyphal endings and a few fusiform leptocystidia; chlamydospores, detached from the margin of the pileus, are commonly found adhering to the tomentum hyphae, but never seen with a germ tube. The tough, bristly hairs up to 2 mm long that protrude through the tomentum consist of narrow (1-2 µm diam.), slightly thick-walled, brown, agglutinated hyphae, with occasional clamp connections.
Spores 4.0-5.5 x 3.5 4.5 (4.9 x 4.0) µm, Q = 1.2, subglobose, hyaline, wall strongly amyloid, with short peg-like ornamentation and distinct apiculus. Basidia 20 - 30 x 6 µm, clavate, mostly 4-spored, sometimes 2-spored, each with clamp connection on basal septum. Leptocystidia plentiful on all parts of the lamellae, mostly subulate, narrowly to broadly fusiform or narrowly lageniform, 30-60 x 3 - 12 µm, thin-walled, usually without contents and each with a clamp connection at the base. A few clavate to lanceolate pseudocystidia also present. Trama of more or less parallel, thin-walled, clamped, descending hyphae, up to 3 µm diam. Many parallel, oleiferous hyphae present, 3-5 µm diam., becoming contorted, with some empty segments and slight epimembranal incrustation, near the very narrow, cellular sub-hymenium. No thick-walled hyphae in trama. Trama ochraceous in KOH, negative in Melzer's reagent. Context of interwoven hyphae, relatively thin-walled, up to 6 µm diam., with plentiful oleiferous hyphae concentrated particularly near the pileipellis. Oleiferous hyphae up to 7 µm diam., often much contorted and with swellings up to 14 µm diam. Skeletal hyphae absent. Middle region of context dextrinoid but colour fades fairly quickly. Pileipellis of repent, interwoven, yellowish-brown, thin-walled hyphae, 2 - 3 µm diam., with many interspersed oleiferous hyphae, the ends of which protrude as numerous pseudocystidia, especially near the stipe attachment. Pseudocystidia clavate, lageniform or lanceolate, 50- 90 x 12 - 13 µm, walls only slightly thickened at first but those towards the stipe becoming thick-walled. Sections through the margin of the pileus show clusters of clavate cells 20-30 x 5 - 7µm, intermingled with basidia and pseudocystidia. The apices of these clavate cells become converted into thick-walled chlamydospores, subpyriform when first produced but after secession becoming subspherical, 5.5-8.0 x 4.5-6.5 (7.15 x 5.8) µm, Q = 1.2, with walls up to 3 µm thick, inamyloid, not dextrinoid. Stipe of more or less parallel hyphae up to 3 µm diam. with slightly thickened walls, together with oleiferous hyphae of slightly larger diameter and some thick-walled hyphae up to 6 µm diam., with walls up to 2 µm. Surface tomentum of stipe of tangled, hyaline, branched, narrow (up to 2 µm) clamped hyphae, mixed with oleiferous hyphal endings and a few fusiform leptocystidia; chlamydospores, detached from the margin of the pileus, are commonly found adhering to the tomentum hyphae, but never seen with a germ tube. The tough, bristly hairs up to 2 mm long that protrude through the tomentum consist of narrow (1-2 µm diam.), slightly thick-walled, brown, agglutinated hyphae, with occasional clamp connections.
HABITAT: on standing or fallen rotten wood in a mixed beech/podocarp forest, disturbed, with some adventives.
Basidiomata convexa, dimidiata vel ligulata, sessilia vel lateraliter stipitata. Pileus 10 25 mm latus, sordide subroseo-bubalinus (vivus), griseo-aurantiacus vel senatus (6C5-6D5 K&W, exsiccatus), superficie glabra, interdum cum pilis pallidis, minutis, conspersis apud stipitem; margine involuta, erosa. Lamellae dilute subroseo-bubalinae (vivae), argillaceae (exsiccatae) latiusculae, moderate distantes, dispersae in seriebus tribus, margine lacerata, alba. Stipes lateralis, statura variabilissimus, ad 10 mm longus, 3 mm latus, aequus, vestitus tomento implicato, cum setis ad 2 mm longis, tenacibus, roseobrunneis vel atris. Odor saporque incogniti. Imago sporarum alba. Sporae 4-5.5 x 3.5-4 (4.9 x 4) µm, Q - 1 2, subglobosae, hyalinae, amyloideae fortiter, echinulatae, apiculo prominenti. Basidia 20-30 x 6 µm, clavata, plerumque tetraspora, saepe bispora, fibulata. Leptocystidia multa in omnibus partibus lamellarum, subulata, fusiformia, lageniformia, 30 - 60 x 3 - 12 µm, parietibus tenuibus, apice acuta, fibulatis, cavis. Pseudocystidia clavata vel lanceolata adsunt. Trama ex hyphis, parallelis, descendentibus, ad 3 µm latis, parietibus tenuibus, fibulatis; multae hyphae oleosae 3 - 5 µm diam. adsunt, parallelae in trama media, contortae in trama laterali. Subhymenium angustissimum. Hyphae incrassatae desunt. Trama ochracea in KOH, nec amyloidea nec dextrinoidea. Contextus ex hyphis intertextis cum parietibus tenuibus, angustis (ad 6 µm diam.), cum multis hyphis oleosis (ad 7 µm) cum tumoribus paucis. Hyphae incrassatae desunt. Pileipellis ex hyphis repentibus, bubalinis, angustis (2 - 3 µm diam.), intertextis, parietibus subincrassatis, cum multis hyphis oleosis sub superficie. Hyphae oleosae protrudentes per pellem pro pseudocystidiis. Pseudocystidia clavata, versiformia, lageniformia vel lanceolata, 50-90 µm longa, 12 - 13 µm lata, parietibus tenuibus, incrasscentibus. In margo pileipellis, cellulae fasciculatae, clavatae, 40-60 x 10 - 14 µm, cum basidiis et pseudocystidiis intermixtis. Apices cellularum in chlamydosporas transformantes. Chlamydosporae cum parietibus incrasscentibus ad 3 µm diam., primo subpyriformes (5-5.8 x 4.5-6.5µm, Q = 1.2), subglobosae post secessionem, hyalinae, nec amyloideae nec dextrinoideae. Stipes ex hyphis subparallelis, ad 3 µm diam., cum hyphis oleosis et hyphis paucis incrasscentibus. Tomentum stipitis ex hyphis implicatis, angustis, ramosis, cum pseudocystidiis et leptocystidiis fusiformibus paucis. Chlamydosporae exutae ex margine pilei saepe hyphis tomenti adhaerentes inveniuntur. In basidiomatis veterioribus pili tenaces longi (ad 2 mm.), ex hyphis longis, angustis, brunneis, agglutinatis, protrudentes per tomentum. Ad lignum putridum in silva. Novae-Zelandiae.
ETYMOLOGY: Referring to the chlamydospores on the margin of pileus and the white edge of the lamellae.
The production of chlamydospores on the margin of the cap is a very distinctive character in Lentinellus marginatus. L. cochleatus seems to be the only other species reported to produce chlamydospores but they are described as being either on the stipe (Miller & Stewart 1971) or formed interstitially beneath the pileipellis (Breitenbach & Kranzlin 1991). Also, the basidiomata of L. cochleatus are different in form, with well developed, long stipes in tightly fused caespitose clusters (Miller & Stewart 1971).
Taxonomic concepts
Lentinellus marginatus Segedin 1996
Lentinellus marginatus Segedin (1996)
Lentinellus marginatus Segedin 1996
Lentinellus marginatus Segedin (1996)
Lentinellus marginatus Segedin 1996
Lentinellus marginatus Segedin (1996)
Lentinellus marginatus Segedin 1996
Lentinellus marginatus Segedin (1996)
Global name resources
NEW ZEALAND: South I.: South Canterbury, Peel Forest, G. M. Taylor, 22 Jul 1967, GMT 374, holotype PDD 63251
scientific name
1 January 2001
12 October 2004