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Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897

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Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 24 136 (1897)
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Ellis & Everh.
Ellis & Everh.
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897
Lasiobelonium subflavidum
Type USA

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Ad corticem Schefflerae digitatae (Araliaceae), Waiko, Westland, 5.11.1954, Dingley 18985 (typus); in ramis emortuis, Carter's Bush, Carterton, Wellington, 25.11.1958, Dingley 18982.
Apothecia sparsa, superficialia, subsessilia; disco pallido, concavo, 1 mm. lato; excipulo pilis rectis, acutatis, septatis, tenui tunicatis, 170-240 x 3-4 µ obtecto; asci clavati, octospori apice jodo non tincti, 95 x 9 µ; ascosporae rectae vel curvulae, ellipticae, triseptatae, 16-21 x 3-3.5 µ; paraphyses lanciformes, 2-3 µ cr.
Absence of a blue pore reaction with iodine may suggest a Perrotia but the paraphyses are distinctly lanceolate and the tapering smooth-walled hairs bearing scattered, loosely attached, rounded granules probably indicate rather a relationship with D. corticalis.
Ad corticem Schefflerae digitatae (Araliaceae), Waiko, Westland, 5.11.1954, Dingley 18985 (typus)
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Duplicate from PDD 19344 and PDD 98182, as well as type specimen (PDD 18985) Short-stipitate discs densely covered with pale orange brown hairs, these often matted and irregularly bunched together

Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897

NEW ZEALAND: Westland, Waiko, on bark of Schefflera digitata (Forst.) (Araliaceae) 5 xi 1954, leg. J. Dingley ex P.D.D. 18985 (Holotype of D. triseptatus, K.); Westland, on S. digitata 5 xi 1954 leg. J. Dingley, ex P.D.D. 19344; Wellington, Carterton, Carter's Bush, on indet. host, 25 xi 1958, leg. J.M. Dingley, ex P.D.D. 18982. AUSTRALIA: Victoria, nr. Alexandra, on dead bark of Pomaderris sp. (Rhamnaceae), 24 vii 1963, leg. G.A. Crichton, G. Beaton 185.
APOTHECIA scattered or gregarious, often in swarms, superficial, subsessile. DISC 0.5-0.75 mm diam., concave, smooth, whitish or pale brown, margin inrolled when dry. RECEPTACLE shallowly cupulate, often attenuated at the base, pale brown, clothed over at least the upper part with long hairs. HAIRS slender, cylindrical, tapered to a rounded or subacute apex, thin-walled, Multiseptate, brown to yellowish-brown, paler above and often almost colourless at the apex, smooth or carrying amorphous granules mostly soluble in Melzer's reagent, 150-400 (-500) µm long, shorter towards the base of the receptacle, 3-4 µm diameter. ASCI (81)-85-100 (-106) x (8)-9-12 µm, 8-spored, cylindric-clavate, apex obtusely conical, pore feebly blued by Melzer's reagent. ASCOSPORES 15-21(-25) x 3.0-3.8 µm, mean 17.4(SD 1.6) x mean 3.2(SD 0.2) µm in the holotype of D. triseptatae), hyaline, fusoid, often slightly curved, 3(-5)-septate, irregularly biseriate. PARAPHYSES narrowly lanceolate, rarely acutely pointed, remotely septate, hyaline, 2-3 µm diam., equal to or only slightly exceeding the asci. SUBHYMENIUM 15-20 µm thick, hyaline, composed of narrow interwoven hyphae 2.0-2.5 µm diam. MEDULLARY EXCIPULUM composed of parallel, hyaline, septate hyphae, 2-3 µm diam., in a layer 35-40 µm thick near the base of the receptacle, narrowing towards the margin where it merges with the ectal layer. ECTAL EXCIPULUM 45-50 µm thick at the base, narrowed towards the margin, formed of subangular or rounded, isodiametric, hyaline or pale brown cells 8-12 µm diam., mostly thin-walled, arranged in rows at a high angle to the surface on the flanks of the receptacle.
Australia, New Zealand (Type locality of D. triseptatus), North America (Type locality of L. subflavidum).
On dead wood and bark.
The synonymy of the species was established by Raitviir (1980). It is characterized particularly by its mainly 3-septate fusoid ascospores which measure 15-22(-25) x 3.0-3.8 µm in Australasian material. Korf (1978a) treated L. subflavidum as a synonym of L. boreale (Ellis & Holw.) Raitviir but a slide of isotype material of the latter at K shows it to have slightly longer, narrowly clavate or clavate-fusoid, nonseptate ascospores. (15)-21-25 x c. 3.5 µm and the taxa are clearly distinct, as Raitviir (1980) thought them to be. For more detailed discussion of L. subflavidum and allied species see Raitviir (1980).

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Dasyscyphus triseptatus Dennis (1961)
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. (1897)
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. (1897)
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. (1897)
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. (1897)

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Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897
New Zealand
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897
New Zealand
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897
New Zealand
Lasiobelonium subflavidum Ellis & Everh. 1897
New Zealand

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Type USA

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scientific name
15 June 1993
25 June 2002
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