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Helotium phormium Cooke, Grevillea 8 63 (1879)
Helotium phormium Cooke 1879

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New Zealand
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Helotium phormium Cooke 1879
NZ holotype
Helotium phormium
On Phormium tenax, Maungaroa, [New Zealand] Berggren 388, hilotype S F51969

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Helotium phormium Cooke 1879

Helotium phormium was named by Cooke in 1879 from a single New Zealand specimen collected on dead Phormium leaves. The original illustrations attached to the type specimen in Kew show more or less clavate, slightly curved ascospores. The illustrations from the same specimen in Dennis (1961) have ascospores that are straighter, more cylindric and tapering more or less evenly to both ends.

This fungus is very common on dead Phormium leaves in New Zealand. It varies somewhat in ascospore shape (some specimens with ascosopres matching exactly the Cooke illustration, others tapering more or less uniformly to each narrow rounded end, often with gel caps or small frills at the ends of the spores).

Based on ITS sequences (see image of ITS gene tree under H. phormium) H. phormium is closely related to Hymenoscyphus caudatus. H. caudatus has been treated as a species complex by authors such as Baral (Sydowia 58: 145-162, 2006) and Dennis (Mycological Papers 62: 1-216, 1956). Baral discussed differences in development of croziers at the ascus base, ascospore shape, and paraphysis morphology between some of the populations within this species complex. H. phormium appears to be Phormium-specialised and has larger ascospores than given for H. caudatus by Dennis 1956. NZFungi has previously incorrectly reported this species as Dicephalosporium rufocornea.

Hymenoscyphus sensu stricto (sensu Baral 2006) is rare in New Zealand. Apart from Helotium phormium, four other Hymenoscyphus sensu stricto isolates have been sequenced. All four are from exotic hosts - PDD 105204 from Rubus fruticosus has an ITS and morphology that matches H. caudatus; PDD 117703 has an ITS sequence close to H. macroguttulatus but differs morphologically; ICMP 14420 and ICMP 17116 have matching ITS sequences are were isolated from nashi fruit rots in orchards.

Helotium phormium Cooke 1879

Erumpens, pallidum, stipitatum. Cupalis clavatis, dein plano-concavis (0-5 mm.) difformibus. Stipite amplo, deorsum attenuato. Ascis clavatis. Sporidiis subclavatis, utrinque rotundatis, nucleatis, curvulis (.03-.035 x .005 mm.).
On Phormium tenax. Maungaroa (388).

Helotium phormium Cooke 1879

On Phormium tenax, Maungaroa, Berggren 388 (type).
Apothecia scattered, erumpent, disc flat, 0.5 mm. diameter, dark brown; receptacle cup-shaped, smooth, concolorous, soft-fleshed, on a usually paler cylindrical stalk. Excipulum composed of parallel hyphae, 3-5 µ wide, thinwalled, lying at a low angle to the surface and with their tips protruding as short, downy, nonseptate, cylindrical hairs. Asci clavate, 130 x 15-21 µ, 8-spored, pore outlined blue in Melzer's reagent; ascospores biseriate, elliptic-cylindric with somewhat pointed ends, straight or slightly curved, nonseptate, 26-34 x 5-6 µ; paraphyses cylindrical, obtuse, about 2-3 µ thick at the apex.

Helotium phormium Cooke 1879

Specimens are somewhat variable in apothecial size, length of stipe, shape of ascospore (some tapering more markedly to base, some with obvious apical caps or frills, others without these), but this variation seen also withon collections, and perhaps within apothecia. Common on Phormium.
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

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Helotium phormium Cooke 1879
Helotium phormium Cooke
Helotium phormium Cooke 1879
Helotium phormium Cooke (1879)
Helotium phormium Cooke 1879
Helotium phormium Cooke (1879)
Helotium phormium Cooke 1879
Helotium phormium Cooke (1879)
Helotium phormium Cooke 1879
Helotium phormium Cooke 1879
Helotium phormium Cooke 1879
Helotium phormium Cooke (1879)

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Helotium phormium Cooke 1879
[Not available]

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taxonomic status
Phylogenetically belongs in Hyemenoscyphus sensu stricto, needs a recombination in Hymenoscyphus [PRJ, 2021]
On Phormium tenax, Maungaroa, [New Zealand] Berggren 388, hilotype S F51969

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28 August 2009
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