Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965

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Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler, Austral. J. Bot. 13 329 (1965)
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
(Sacc.) Pegler
Gymnopilus crociphyllus
- Agaricus crociphyllus Cooke & Massee 1887
- Agaricus fusus sensu Colenso 1887 [1886]
- Agaricus penetrans sensu Colenso 1887 [1886]
- Agaricus rutilans sensu Colenso 1891 [1890]
- Agaricus xanthophyllus Cooke & Massee 1892
- Flammula crociphylla Sacc. 1891
- Flammula fusa sensu E. Horak 1971
- Flammula penetrans sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
- Flammula xanthophylla (Cooke & Massee) McAlpine 1895
- Gymnopilus iriomotensis Har. Takah., Taneyama & S. Wada 2016
- Tricholoma rutilans sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Flammula crociphylla Cooke and Massee (= Fl. xanthophylla C. & M.) (13 D, 11, 16)
Flammula fusa (Batsch) (6) Fig. 11 = Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Cooke and Massee) Pegler 1965.
In spite of the fully destroyed specimen (COLENSO b 243), we are quite convinced that the residual rust-brown, warted spores with a distinct, smooth plage (6-8 X 4-5 µ) are those of the above species. This Gymnopilus is one of the most common agarics in New Zealand.
Fig. 20 Under this name four collections can be found at Kew: the material labelled (COLENSO b 70) belongs to an undescribed species of Gymnopilus which grows mainly on rotten wood of Leptospermum. The other three collections (COLENSO b 51, b 210, b 311) represent Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Cooke and Massee) Pegler. Spores oval, with distinct smooth plage, otherwise warted, rust-brown, 5-6 X 3.5-4 µ.
Tricholoma rutilans (Fries) (8,16) Fig. 24 = Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Cooke and Massee) Pegler
All characters of this collection (COLENSO b 972) correspond well with the type. It occurs both in Australia and New Zealand.
Gregarious or caespitose ; pileus convex, then plane, obtuse, often irregular, even, glabrous, surface not becoming broken up, dry, minutely silky under a lens when young, golden-tawny, but becoming pale and yellowish when old, 4-8 cm. across; flesh pallid, thickish at the disc, thinning out towards the margin; gills adnate and subdecurrent when young, often separating from the stem when old, 4-6 mm. broad, crowded, white, then yellow, stained and spotted with brown when old; spores elliptical, obliquely apiculate, 8 x 4-5 µ; stem 5-8 cm. long, up to 1 cm. thick, firm, equal, silky, then fibrillosely-striate, yellowish, base with white down, sometimes rooting, imperfectly hollow; veil flocculose, white, but very fugacious and scarcely evident.
Dannevirke, New Zealand. Australia, Europe, Siberia, Cuba, United States.
On rotten wood.
A very showy fungus, distinguished in the genus by the clear tawny-orange pileus and yellow gills becoming spotted with brown.
Pileus subglobose, then broadly expanded but the margin persistently incurved, ochraceous or with a tinge of primrose-yellow, glabrous at first, then broken up into minute innate squamules or cracked in an areolate manner, 2.5-7 cm. diameter; flesh thick, compact, rigid when dry; gills adnate, with a decurrent tooth, rather distant, very broad, bright-yellow, then with a rusty tinge; spores elliptical, 10 x 6 µ; stem distinctly excentric or lateral, about 2.5 cm. long, stout, solid, more or less striate, coloured like the pileus, or paler.
Dannevirke, New Zealand, Australia.
On wood.
A very distinct and well-defined species, known by the broad clear-yellow gills and excentric stem.
Pileus ovato-globose, obtuse, with the margin incurved, and entirely covered with a dense unbroken coating of dark-purple or reddish-brown velvety nap, when young; when older becoming campanulate and often umbonate, purple, all one colour; at maturity expanded, often umbonate, the cuticle broken up into small purple innate fascicles of down on a yellow ground; always dry, 6-14 cm. diameter; flesh thick, soft, deep-yellow from the earliest stage, becoming golden-yellow when broken; gills broadly adnexed, yellow from the first, crowded, edge thickened, floccose, and deeper yellow than the rest of the gill; spores subglobose, 5-6 µ diameter; stem 5-9 cm. long, up to 2 cm. thick, fleshy, imperfectly hollow, soft, rather bulbous when short, ventricose when elongated, yellow, variegated, especially upwards, with purplish floccose squamules.
New Zealand. Australia, Europe, United States.
On the ground.
Inodorous ; size very variable. Readily distinguished by the yellow flesh and gills.
Taxonomic concepts
Agaricus crociphyllus Cooke & Massee (1887)
Agaricus crociphyllus Cooke & Massee (1887)
Agaricus crociphyllus Cooke & Massee (1887)
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Agaricus fusus sensu Colenso (1887) [1886]
Agaricus fusus sensu Colenso (1887) [1886]
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Agaricus penetrans sensu Colenso (1887) [1886]
Agaricus penetrans sensu Colenso (1887) [1886]
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Agaricus rutilans sensu Colenso (1891) [1890]
Agaricus rutilans sensu Colenso (1891) [1890]
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Agaricus xanthophyllus Cooke & Massee (1892)
Agaricus xanthophyllus Cooke & Massee (1892)
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Flammula crociphylla Sacc. (1891)
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Flammula fusa sensu E. Horak (1971)
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Flammula penetrans sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Flammula penetrans sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Flammula penetrans sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Flammula penetrans sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Flammula xanthophylla (Cooke & Massee) McAlpine (1895)
Flammula xanthophylla (Cooke & Massee) McAlpine (1895)
Flammula xanthophylla (Cooke & Massee) McAlpine (1895)
Flammula xanthophylla (Cooke & Massee) McAlpine (1895)
Flammula xanthophylla (Cooke & Massee) McAlpine (1895)
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler (1965)
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler (1965)
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler (1965)
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler (1965)
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler (1965)
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler (1965)
Tricholoma rutilans sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Tricholoma rutilans sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Tricholoma rutilans sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Gymnopilus crociphyllus (Sacc.) Pegler 1965
Global name resources
scientific name
1 March 2000
18 August 2008