Guedea novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1980
Guedea novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1980
Colonies thin, brown to black, effuse. Mycelium immersed, composed of branched, septate, pale brown to brown hyphae 2.5-6.5 µm wide. Conidiophores erect, arising singly or in groups of up to 4 from the larger immersed hyphae, simple or once-branched at the base, straight or flexuous, subcylindrical, brown to dark brown below, very pale brown to subhyaline above, up to 165 µm long, 4.8-7 µm wide just above the base which may be swollen up to 9 µm, up to 15-septate, tapering slightly toward the bluntly rounded apex which is 4.5-5.4 µm wide. The lower cells of the conidiophore are 20-27 µm long but the cells are progressively shorter toward the apex where they may be as short as 5.5 µm. Up to 11 of the distal cells (except the apical cell) of the conidiophore bear a solitary conidium or the scar of a seceded conidium: the scar is on a cylindrical denticle, up to 1.8 µm long and 1.5 µm wide, borne laterally below the distal septum of the cell. Conidia are solitary, blastic and lateral on a denticle on successive penultimate cells of the conidiophore: they are obovoid, sometimes slightly denticulate at the basal scar, smooth, 2-septate, the 2 lower cells being brown and the distal cell paler, with a dark band of wall overlying each septum. A small, thin area of wall (? germ pore) is found to one side of the basal scar and apically on the terminal cell, and occasionally on the central cell. Conidia measure 13.5-16.2 x 7.2-9.0 µm.
Coloniae sparsae, effusae, brunneae vel atrae.Mycelium immersum, ex hyphis septatis, ramosis, pallide brunneis 2.5-6.5 µm crassis compositum.Conidiophora singulariter nata vel ad 4 aggregata, erecta, simplicia vel ad basim furcata, recta vel flexuosa, subcylindrica, ad 15-septata; basim versus cellulae 20-27 µm longae, apicem versus gradatim breviores (ad 5.5 µm longae). Conidiophora ad 165 µm longa, ad basim inflata (ad 9 µm), supra basim 4.8-7 µm crassa, apicem versus 4.5-5.4 µm crassa, apice obtusa. Cellulae 1-11 distales (extra cellulam apicalem) conidiiferae.
Conidia blastica in denticulis solitariis lateraliter in cellulis penultimis successivis oriunda, obovoidea, inter¬dum ad basim parce denticulata, laevia, 2-septata, cellulis binis inferioribus brunneis, cellula apicalis pallidiore, taenia atrobrunnea vel atra ad septa. Cellulae polares (interdumque medialis) poris germinationibus praeditae. Conidia 13.5-16.2 x 7.2-9 µm.
Holotypus in ligno putrido Freycinetiae banksii, Nova Zelandia, "Auckland Province, Cornwallis", 31. XII. 1962, J. M. Dingley, PDD 36099 (DAOM 93822).