Geastrum subiculosum Cooke & Massee 1887

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Geastrum subiculosum Cooke & Massee in Cooke, Grevillea 15 97 (1887)
Geastrum subiculosum Cooke & Massee 1887
Cooke & Massee
Cooke & Massee
as 'Geaster'
Geastrum subiculosum Cooke & Massee 1887
Geastrum subiculosum
Geastrum subiculosum Cooke & Massee 1887
Plants seated upon a mycelial subiculum, small, obovate, umbonate, superficial, attached by a central basal rhizomorph, becoming tardily expanded when to 3 cm. across. Exoperidium saccate, split to about the middle into 6-7 bluntly pointed expanded rays; fleshy layer bay brown, continuous, adnate; exterior free from debris, bay brown, glabrous; base convex, with an umbilical scar. Endoperidium 7-10 mm. diameter, sessile, subglobose, umber brown, glabrous, lower half enclosed by the saccate base of the exoperidium; peristome flattened, obscurely fibrillose, concolorous, seated on a depressed zone. Gleba umber; pseudo-columella inevident. Spores globose, 3.5-4.5um diameter, epispore chestnut brown, 0.75um thick, delicately verruculose.
Fructifications grow crowded upon a white subiculum covering the surface of decaying vegetable debris on the forest floor. The species may be identified by the small almost smooth spores. The collection from New South Wales is referred to G.subiculosum partly because of these features, partly as it agrees with the description drawn by Coker & Couch (1928, p. 119) from the type at Kew. They referred here a Jamaican collection which differed in that the spores were smooth and 2-3um diameter.
DISTRIBUTION : Australia; ? Jamaica. New South Wales: Forbes (1).
TYPE LOCALITY: Trinity Bay, Queensland
Taxonomic concepts
Geastrum subiculosum Cooke & Massee 1887
Geastrum subiculosum Cooke & Massee (1887)
Geastrum subiculosum Cooke & Massee 1887
Geastrum subiculosum Cooke & Massee
Global name resources
scientific name
1 January 2001
12 June 2001