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Geastrum hariotii Lloyd 1907

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Geastrum hariotii Lloyd, Myc. Writ. 2 311 (1907)
Geastrum hariotii Lloyd 1907

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New Zealand
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as 'Geaster'
Geastrum hariotii Lloyd 1907
Geastrum hariotii

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Geastrum hariotii Lloyd 1907

Plants at first globose and submerged, becoming superficial and expanded when to 5 cm. across. Exoperidium split to about the middle into 7-9 subequal, acute, expanded rays; fleshy layer umber brown, becoming rimose; exterior covered -with debris held by the adnate mycelial layer; base concave. Endoperidium subpedicellate or sessile, to 2 cm. diameter, depressed globose, dark umber, distinctly pitted and roughened but not warted or tomentose. Peristome sulcate, conical, acute, darker in colour. Gleba umber; pseudo-columella not seen. Spores globose, 3-3.5 um diameter, epispore umber, thick, delicately and closely verruculose.The species is characterized by the finely verruculose minute spores and pitted endoperidium. Though the latter is typically sessile, in the Mummulgum specimens it is shortly pedicelled. The description has been drawn from Australian specimens identified by Lloyd as G.hariotii, and which agree closely with the description given of this plant by Coker & Couch (1928).
DISTRIBUTION : Southern Europe; South America; Ceylon; East Indies; West Indies; Australia. New South Wales: Mummulgum, det. by Lloyd as Geaster hariotii (1). Victoria: Unknown Locality, Lloyd herbarium (Coker & Couch, 1928, p. 135).
TYPE LOCALITY: South America.

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Geastrum hariotii Lloyd 1907
Geastrum hariotii Lloyd
Geastrum hariotii Lloyd 1907
Geastrum hariotii Lloyd (1907)

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Geastrum hariotii Lloyd 1907
Cook Islands

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scientific name
1 January 2001
9 November 2022
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