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Geastrum drummondii Berk. 1845

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Geastrum drummondii Berk., London J. Bot. 4 63 (1845)
Geastrum drummondii Berk. 1845

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New Zealand
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as 'Geaster'
Geastrum drummondii Berk. 1845
Geastrum drummondii

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Geastrum drummondii Berk. 1845

Plants small, globose, at first submerged, becoming superficial and expanded when to 3 cm. across. Exoperidium split to about the middle into 8-10 acute equal rays, which are expanded when wet, strongly involute when dry, folding over or under the endoperidium; fleshy layer umber, frequently farinose, adnate, continuous; exterior covered with debris held by the adnate mycelial layer, becoming partly smooth; base umbilicate. Endoperidium sessile or occasionally shortly pedicelled, globose or depressed globose, to 10 mm. diameter, dingy white or less frequently brown, finely asperate, often becoming smooth with age. Peristome conical, usually acute, sometimes flattened, seated on a depressed zone, which may be wanting, frequently darker in colour. Gleba ferruginous; pseudo-columella inevident. Spores globose or subglobose, 4-6um diameter, epispore ferruginous, 0.75um thick, finely and moderately verruculose, sometimes briefly pedicelled. Although typically sessile, the endoperidium occasionally may be shortly pedicelled. Such plants approach G.clelandii, from which they may be separated by the slightly larger spores. The species also closely resembles G.umbilicatum, in the sense that this species is recognized by European, not American, mycologists; but differs in the larger spores, those of G.umbilicatum being 3.5-4um.
DISTRIBUTION: Africa; Australia; Tasmania. Victoria: Dimboola, three collections, one det. by Lloyd as G.striatulus, a second as G.drummondii, and the third was in a package labelled G.argenteus Cke. ( 9 ) ; Maryborough; Unknown Locality ( 4 ) ; Mildura (2). South Australia: Encounter Bay, (Jet. by Lloyd as G.drummondii; Kinchina; Monarto South; Narrabri; Wagin (1). Western Australia: Tammin (1). Tasmania: Hobart (3)
TYPE LOCALITY : Swan River, Western Australia.

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Geastrum drummondii Berk. 1845
Geastrum drummondii Berk. (1845)
Geastrum drummondii Berk. 1845
Geastrum drummondii Berk.
Geastrum drummondii Berk. 1845
Geastrum drummondii Berk.

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Geastrum drummondii Berk. 1845

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taxonomic status
PDD90788 as ? drummondii is G. plicatum [JAC]

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scientific name
1 January 2001
9 November 2022
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