Gautieria albida (Massee & Rodway) G. Cunn.

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Gautieria albida (Massee & Rodway) G. Cunn.
Gautieria albida (Massee & Rodway) G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Massee & Rodway
(Massee & Rodway) G. Cunn.
Gautieria albida
Gautieria albida (Massee & Rodway) G. Cunn.
VICTORIA. Rubicon, Royston road, hypogeal in mixed eucalyptus forest, 16 May 1974, K. & G. Beaton 66; Buxton, Black range road, hypogeal in mixed eucalyptus forest, 14 May 1981, K. & G. Beaton, 2 km from Grey River Res., on Kennett River road, hypogeal at base of Eucalyptus globulus, 21 Sept. 1982, K. & G. Beaton 55.
TASMANIA. Hobart, Cascades, underground, Rodway 643 (type K).
TASMANIA. Hobart, Cascades, underground, Rodway 643 (type K).
Gasterocarp 1-2 cm diam., irregularly globose to depressed ellipsoid, attached by a basal rhizomorph. Peridium moderately well developed and mostly persistent, pale greyish pink or greyish orange (M.7.5YR/7.6/3.9), drying light brown, not viscid, smooth, drying wrinkled. Gleba at first pinkish ochraceous becoming dark brown, consisting of minute, full or partially filled chambers, 6-8 per µm, with some radial arrangement. Tramal plates up to 170 µm thick, translucent when fresh, drying greyish, composed of a broad gelatinized hymenophoral trama and very narrow subhymenial layers; peridial context not gelatinized, of much inflated, thin-walled hyphae, 3-35 µm diam.; clamp-connexions present on all hyphae but small and inconspicuous. Columella irregularly dendroid, thin, hyaline, gelatinous, poorly developed. Sterile base rudimentary, white. Spore deposit fuscous brown.
Spores 14.5-18.5(-20) x 7-9.5 (16 ± 0.8 x 8 ± 0.5) µm (excl. orn.), Q = 2.0, ellipsoid to limoniform, at times apically papillate, with a fuscous brown, thickened wall (-1.5 µm) bearing 8-10, subhyaline to pale brown costae (2-3 µm high), mostly running length of spore, widely spaced, occasionally forking. Basidia 27-33 x 6-8.5 µm, cylindric or slightly constricted, bearing two short sterigmata. Cystidia absent. Hymenophoral trama regular to subregular, hyaline, moderately gelatinized, of more or less parallel, thin-walled hyphae, 2.5-10 µm diam. Subhymenial layer poorly developed. Peridiopellis a narrow epicutis, 25-35 µm thick, of repent, loosely woven, narrow, branching hyphae, 2.5-7 µm diam.
Spores 14.5-18.5(-20) x 7-9.5 (16 ± 0.8 x 8 ± 0.5) µm (excl. orn.), Q = 2.0, ellipsoid to limoniform, at times apically papillate, with a fuscous brown, thickened wall (-1.5 µm) bearing 8-10, subhyaline to pale brown costae (2-3 µm high), mostly running length of spore, widely spaced, occasionally forking. Basidia 27-33 x 6-8.5 µm, cylindric or slightly constricted, bearing two short sterigmata. Cystidia absent. Hymenophoral trama regular to subregular, hyaline, moderately gelatinized, of more or less parallel, thin-walled hyphae, 2.5-10 µm diam. Subhymenial layer poorly developed. Peridiopellis a narrow epicutis, 25-35 µm thick, of repent, loosely woven, narrow, branching hyphae, 2.5-7 µm diam.
Cunningham (1944: 76) referred to a layer of crystals separating the peridium from the gleba, but Zeller & Dodge (1934: 704) more correctly interpreted these as soil particles in loosely tangled hyphae. Such particles may or may not be present and should not be considered as a specific character. Cribb (1958: 153) reported G. albida from Queensland.
Taxonomic concepts
Gautieria albida (Massee & Rodway) G. Cunn.
Gautieria albida (Massee & Rodway) G. Cunn.
Gautieria albida (Massee & Rodway) G. Cunn.
Gautieria albida (Massee & Rodway) G. Cunn.
Gautieria albida (Massee & Rodway) G. Cunn.
Gautieria albida (Massee & Rodway) G. Cunn.
Gautieria albida (Massee & Rodway) G. Cunn.
Global name resources
scientific name
1 January 2001
10 May 2011