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Embellisia leptinellae E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill 1990

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Embellisia leptinellae E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill in Simmons, Mycotaxon 38 254 (1990)

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E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill
E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill
Embellisia leptinellae E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill 1990
NZ holotype
Embellisia leptinellae
Leptinella dioica, Papakura, New Zealand, EGS 39-101 (ex isol. C. F. Hill 4252(c), lect. July 1989), holotype BPI 749412, Isotypes IMI, NY, PDD 57920 , ex type CBS 477.90

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Embellisia leptinellae E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill 1990

Representative isolates include EGS 39-085 & 39-086 (ex IMI 330203 & 330204, both originally isolated from Leptinella sp. in New Zealand); 39-101, source of type (C.F. Hill 4252(c), ex Leptinella dioica, coll. July 1989, Papakura, N. Z.); 39-102 (C.F. Hill 4252(d), ex L. dioica, coll. July 1989, Papakura, N. Z.).
Embellisia leptinellae grows well on PCA, Hay decoction, and 20% V-8 agars, sporulating abundantly on simple or sometimes branched conidiophores that arise directly from the substrate or as lateral branches of conspicuous procumbent aerial hyphae; non-sporulating aerial mycelium forms a lanose layer over sporulating colonies on Hay agar, but it typically does not occur in colonies on PCA or V-8 agar. Chains of adjoining cells in submerged mycelium frequently enlarge, become variously septate, proliferate in branches and clumps, darken, and become thick-walled.
Conidiophores may remain simple with an apical clump of conidia, or they may branch and produce additional conidia near the tip of each branch. Primary conidiophores (those arising from vegetative hyphae) usually produce 5-8 successive, geniculate, conidiogenous cells as they lengthen; one or more of the associated 5-8 primary conidia may germinate in place and generate a secondary conidiophore with 3-5 successive, geniculate conidiogenous sites. The maximum conidium production of a primary conidiophore and its 2-3 associated secondary conidiophores after 2-3 weeks is about 25. Ellipsoid juvenile conidia usually become ovoid as they enlarge to about 25-45 x 10-13 µm with 3-7 transverse and 1-4 longitudinal septa; cylindric juveniles tend to become narrowly ellipsoid as they elongate and broaden to about 45-65 x 9-l0 µm with 7-10 transverse and 1-3 longitudinal septa. Mature conidium color in transmitted light is a dilute golden tan crossed by the deeper shades of the same color marking the broad bands of secondary septum wall circumference. Conidium surfaces are smooth or become minutely verruculose.
Ex cultura in agaro V-8 post dies novem descripta. Chlamydosporae abundae, submersae, in catenis ramosis et coacervatis. Conidiophora simplicia vel ramosa, plerumque 4-6-geniculata in locis conidiogenis primaries. Sporulatio primaries abunda; sporulatio secondary abunda in conidiophoris secundariis locis conidiogenis 4-5. Conidia initio ellipsoidea vel cylindrica, dein ovoidea vet longe ellipsoidea, lateraliter symmetrica, dilute fulva, septis fuscatis transversalibus (3-4-)7-10 et longitudinalibus 1-4, 30-65 x 10-13 µm, levia vet minute verruculosa.
Embellisia leptinellae, with its long, narrow conidia and strong tendency to produce abundantly conidiogenous secondary conidiophores, is unlike any other species of the genus except the following E. dennisii.
Habitatio typi Leptinella dioica, Papakura, New Zealand. Typus: partes ex EGS 39-101 (ex isol. C.F. Hill 4252(c), lect. July 1989) desiccatae et in BPI (holotypus) et pro isotypus saltem in IMI, NY et PDD conservandae.

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Embellisia leptinellae E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill 1990
Embellisia leptinellae E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill (1990)
Embellisia leptinellae E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill 1990
Embellisia leptinellae E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill (1990)
Embellisia leptinellae E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill 1990
Embellisia leptinellae E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill (1990)
Embellisia leptinellae E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill 1990
Embellisia leptinellae E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill 1990

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Embellisia leptinellae E.G. Simmons & C.F. Hill 1990
New Zealand

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Leptinella dioica, Papakura, New Zealand, EGS 39-101 (ex isol. C. F. Hill 4252(c), lect. July 1989), holotype BPI 749412, Isotypes IMI, NY, PDD 57920 , ex type CBS 477.90

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1 January 2001
20 July 2013
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