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Corticium hydnans (Schwein.) Burt 1926

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Corticium hydnans (Schwein.) Burt, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 13 233 (1926)

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(Schwein.) Burt
Corticium hydnans

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Corticium hydnans (Schwein.) Burt 1926

MYRTACEAE. Eucalyptus spp.: New South Wales, Macquarie Pass. South Australia, Kuitpo.
Hymenophore annual, membranous-ceraceous, adherent, effused forming linear areas to 20 x 5 cm; hymenial surface buff, becoming reddish-brown, deeply areolately creviced when colliculose; margin thinning out, fibrillose, adherent, concolorous. Context cream, 120-200 µm thick, basal layer of a few repent hyphae, intermediate layer of loosely arranged erect hyphae; generative hyphae 2-2.5 µm diameter, walls 0.25 µm thick, naked, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 20 µm deep, a close palisade of basidia, paraphyses, and paraphysate hyphae. Basidia clavate, 10-14 x 4.5-5 µm, bearing 4 spores; sterigmata erect, slender, to 5 µm long. Paraphyses subclavate, scanty, 8-10 x 3.5-4 µm. Paraphysate hyphae filiform, projecting to 10 µm, abundant. Spores suballantoid or pip-shaped, 9-10 x 4.5-5 µm, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µm thick.
DISTRIBUTION: North America, Australia.
HABITAT: Effused on bark or decorticated dead branches.
Close to C. scutellare, differing in the reddish-brown colour of the hymenial surface, narrower context hyphae, smaller differently shaped basidia, and pip-shaped spores. The surface becomes deeply areolately creviced, when segments tend to lift, giving the surface a colliculose appearance.
TYPE LOCALITY: Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

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Corticium hydnans (Schwein.) Burt 1926
Corticium hydnans (Schwein.) Burt (1926)
Corticium hydnans (Schwein.) Burt 1926
Corticium hydnans (Schwein.) Burt (1926)

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Corticium hydnans (Schwein.) Burt 1926

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21 February 2025
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