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Circinotrichum chathamiense McKenzie 1993

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Circinotrichum chathamiense McKenzie, Mycotaxon 46 293 (1993)
Circinotrichum chathamiense McKenzie 1993

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New Zealand
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as 'chathamiensis'
Circinotrichum chathamiense McKenzie 1993
NZ holotype
Circinotrichum chathamiense
In foliis dejectis myrsinaceae speciei Myrsinae chathamicae F. Muell. Holotypus PDD 49391, New Zealand

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Circinotrichum chathamiense McKenzie 1993

Colonies amphigenous, punctiform to effused, black when sterile, grey when sporulating. Mycelium partly immersed and partly superficial, pale brown, branched and anastomosing, sometimes aggregated into a pseudoparenchymatous layer, smooth, septate, 2-4 µm thick. Setae sterile, originating from dark brown, thick-walled, swollen cells of the superficial mycelium, simple, erect, straight or flexuous, usually smooth but sometimes minutely verruculose, septate, dark brown, paler towards the apex, up to 330 µm high, 5-7.5 µm wide at the base, gradually tapering to a width of 1.5-3 µm at the apex. Conidiogenous cells polyblastic, apparently percurrent, discrete, obclavate to lageniform, subhyaline, 7-12 µm high, 3-4 µm wide. Conidia acrogenoss, hyaline but adhering together at the base of setae to form a greyish-white mass, slightly curved or falcate, smooth, non-septate, 20-24 (-26) x 1.5-2 (-2.25) µm.
On Myrsine chathamica F. Muell.
Coloniae amphigenae, punctiformes vel effusee, nigri vel grisei. Mycelium partim intermum et extermum, ex hyphis pallide-brunneis, ramosis et anastomosantibus, laevibus, septatis, 2-4 µm crassis. Setae steriles, simplices, erectae, rectae vel flexuosae, plerumque laeves, septatae, atro-brunneae, apice versus pallidiores, usque ad 330 µm altae, ad basem 5-7.5 µm latae, ad apicem 1.5-3 µm latae. Cellulae conidiogenae polyblasticae, percurrentes visu, discretae, obclavatae vel lageniformes, subhyalinae, 7-12 µm altae, 3-4 µm latae. Conidia acrogenosa, hyalina, adherentia, leniter curvata vel falcata, laevia, eseptata, 20-24 (-26) x 1.5-2 (-2.25) µm. In foliis dejectis myrsinaceae speciei Myrsinae chathamicae F. Muell. Holotypus PDD 49391.
The specific epithet refers to the type locality, Chatham Islands.
Sutton (1980) provided a key to eight species of Circinotrichum, and since then C. ponmudiense Varghese & V. G. Rao (1978), C. britanicum Kirk (1981), C. flagelliforme Zucconi & Onofri (1986), and C. cochinense V.G. Rao & Varghese (1988) have been described. C. chathamiensis can be distinguished from other species of Circinotrichum by the size and shape of conidia, and by the straight, sterile setae.
Specimen examined: New Zealand, Chatham Islands, Rekohu, Taiko Camp, 8.III.1983, E. H. C. McKenzie (PDD 49391 - holotype).

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Circinotrichum chathamiense McKenzie 1993
Circinotrichum chathamiense McKenzie (1993)
Circinotrichum chathamiense McKenzie 1993
Circinotrichum chathamiense McKenzie (1993)
Circinotrichum chathamiense McKenzie 1993
Circinotrichum chathamiense McKenzie (1993)
Circinotrichum chathamiense McKenzie 1993
Circinotrichum chathamiense McKenzie (1993)

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Circinotrichum chathamiense McKenzie 1993
New Zealand
Chatham Islands

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In foliis dejectis myrsinaceae speciei Myrsinae chathamicae F. Muell. Holotypus PDD 49391, New Zealand

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scientific name
26 March 1993
8 January 2002
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