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Chlorociboria omnivirens (Berk.) J.R. Dixon 1975

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Chlorociboria omnivirens (Berk.) J.R. Dixon, Mycotaxon 1 216 (1975)
Chlorociboria omnivirens (Berk.) J.R. Dixon 1975

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Recorded in error
New Zealand
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misids inlcude Herb WU, Hausnecht.

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J.R. Dixon
(Berk.) J.R. Dixon
Chlorociboria omnivirens

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[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Small packet from Tasmania, perhaps type material, but separate from other material clearlt labelled as type. Material inside small packet blackened (not well prepared), but clearly with well-developed, quite narrow stipe. Material on separate sheet in same condition (blackened) and with much the same look. [Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Packet originally labelled as Helotium aeruginosum B is a Cooke specimen 29, Waikate, NZ; annotated as Helotium omnivirens, then with Dennis annotation "no, spores too narrow for omnivirens" and "cf. Chlorospoenium olivaceum Rick". Although the genus Helotium used as a name, and references to Helotium aeruginosum and Helotium aeruginellum and H. aeruginascens, other notes suggest he was using these Helotium names for a Chlorociboria. Dennis includes annotations with spore shape and size - closest to C. halonata, but specimen (three pieces with woody tissue with coarse bark attached) with no obvious apothecia, so tomentum cannot be checked

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Chlorociboria omnivirens (Berk.) J.R. Dixon 1975
Chlorociboria omnivirens (Berk.) J.R. Dixon 1975
Chlorociboria omnivirens (Berk.) J.R. Dixon 1975
Chlorociboria omnivirens (Berk.) J.R. Dixon (1975)
Chlorociboria omnivirens (Berk.) J.R. Dixon 1975
Chlorociboria omnivirens (Berk.) J.R. Dixon (1975)
Chlorociboria omnivirens (Berk.) J.R. Dixon 1975
Chlorociboria omnivirens (Berk.) J.R. Dixon (1975)
Chlorociboria omnivirens (Berk.) J.R. Dixon 1975
Chlorociboria omnivirens (Berk.) J.R. Dixon (1975)

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30 August 2000
28 March 2003
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