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Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991

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Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie, Mycotaxon 42 91 (1991)
Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991

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New Zealand
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Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991
NZ holotype
Chalarodes bisetis
New Zealand, AUCKLAND, Waitakere Ranges, Spraggs Bush, 19.IV.1987, R.E. Beever (PDD 57220 - holotype).

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Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991

Specimens examined: New Zealand, AUCKLAND, Waitakere Ranges, Spraggs Bush, 19.IV.1987, R.E. Beever (PDD 57220 - holotype). COROMANDEL, Kauaeranga Valley, Tarawaere Dam Track, 1.1X.1986, E.H.C. McKenzie (PDD 57203); Little Barrier Island, Summit Track, 7.IV.1988, E.H.C. McKenzie (PDD 57202); P.R. Johnston (PDD 57204). BAY OF PLENTY, Kaimai-Mamaku Forest Park, Tuahu Track, 11X1.1985, G.J. Samuels, P.K. Buchanan (PDD 57200). WAIKATO, near Kawhia, Te Kauri Reserve, 20.V.1988, E.H.C. McKenzie (PDD 57201); Mt Pirongia, Track 1, 27.111.1984, E.H.C. McKenzie (PDD 57205). WANGANUI, Bushy Park, 16.V.1987, E.H.C McKenzie, P.R. Johnston (PDD 57221).

Mycelium immersed. Conidiophores originating from brown, smooth, usually swollen cells up to 25 µm wide; macronematous, mononematous, single, unbranched, erect, straight or slightly flexuous, smooth, septate, brown, paler towards the apex, up to 400 µm long x 5-10 µm thick. Conidiogenous cells monophialidic, integrated, terminal, urceolate, pale brown 32-55 µm long x 5-7.5 µm wide; collarette cylindrical or obconical, 3-4 µm wide at base, 4-5 µm at apex. Conidia endogenous, catenate, obtriangular, hyaline, smooth, non-septate, (9.5-) 12-14 (-15) µm long x 4.5-6 (-9) µm wide at the apex, and 2-3 µm at the truncate base, often with a basal marginal frill, distal end bearing 2 setulae each up to 10 µm long x c. 0.25 µm wide.

On Freycinetia baueriana Endl. ssp. banksii (Cunn.) Stone

Mycelium internum. Conidiophora macronematosa, mononematosa, soli¬taria, eramosa, erecta, recta vel paulo flexuosa, laevia, septata, brunnea, apicem versus pallidiora, usque ad 400 µm longa x 5-10 µm crassa; e cellulis brunneis, laevibus, basi plerumque ad 25 µm inflatis. Cellulae conidiogenae monophialidicae, in conidiophoris incorporatae, terminales, urceolatae, pallide brunneae, 32-55 x 5-7.5 µm; collum cylindricum vel obconicum, basi 3-4 µm latum, apice 4-5 µm latum. Conidia endogena, catenulate extrusa, obconica, hyalina, laevia, eseptata, (9.5-) 12-14 (-15) µm longa, apice 4.5-6 (-9) µm lata, basi truncata, 2-3 µm lata, saepe fim¬briam marginalem ferente, apicaliter bisetulosa.
In foliis mortuis pandanaceae Freycinetia baueriana Endl. ssp. banksii (Cunn.) Stone
Holotypus PDD 57220.

The specific epithet refers to the two setulae on the conidia.

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Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991
Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie (1991)
Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991
Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie (1991)
Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991
Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie (1991)
Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991
Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie (1991)

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Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991
New Zealand
Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991
New Zealand
Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991
New Zealand
Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991
New Zealand
Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991
New Zealand
Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991
New Zealand

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New Zealand, AUCKLAND, Waitakere Ranges, Spraggs Bush, 19.IV.1987, R.E. Beever (PDD 57220 - holotype).

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scientific name
25 March 1993
8 January 2002
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