Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991

Chalarodes bisetis McKenzie 1991
Mycelium immersed. Conidiophores originating from brown, smooth, usually swollen cells up to 25 µm wide; macronematous, mononematous, single, unbranched, erect, straight or slightly flexuous, smooth, septate, brown, paler towards the apex, up to 400 µm long x 5-10 µm thick. Conidiogenous cells monophialidic, integrated, terminal, urceolate, pale brown 32-55 µm long x 5-7.5 µm wide; collarette cylindrical or obconical, 3-4 µm wide at base, 4-5 µm at apex. Conidia endogenous, catenate, obtriangular, hyaline, smooth, non-septate, (9.5-) 12-14 (-15) µm long x 4.5-6 (-9) µm wide at the apex, and 2-3 µm at the truncate base, often with a basal marginal frill, distal end bearing 2 setulae each up to 10 µm long x c. 0.25 µm wide.
Mycelium internum. Conidiophora macronematosa, mononematosa, soli¬taria, eramosa, erecta, recta vel paulo flexuosa, laevia, septata, brunnea, apicem versus pallidiora, usque ad 400 µm longa x 5-10 µm crassa; e cellulis brunneis, laevibus, basi plerumque ad 25 µm inflatis. Cellulae conidiogenae monophialidicae, in conidiophoris incorporatae, terminales, urceolatae, pallide brunneae, 32-55 x 5-7.5 µm; collum cylindricum vel obconicum, basi 3-4 µm latum, apice 4-5 µm latum. Conidia endogena, catenulate extrusa, obconica, hyalina, laevia, eseptata, (9.5-) 12-14 (-15) µm longa, apice 4.5-6 (-9) µm lata, basi truncata, 2-3 µm lata, saepe fim¬briam marginalem ferente, apicaliter bisetulosa.
In foliis mortuis pandanaceae Freycinetia baueriana Endl. ssp. banksii (Cunn.) Stone
Holotypus PDD 57220.
The specific epithet refers to the two setulae on the conidia.