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Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman 1987

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
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Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 88 68 (1987)
Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman 1987

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman
P. Karst.
(P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman
Capronia pilosella

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Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman 1987
Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman (1987)
Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman 1987
Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman (1987)
Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman 1987
Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman (1987)
Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman 1987
Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman (1987)
Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman 1987
Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman (1987)

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Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman 1987
New Zealand
Capronia pilosella (P. Karst.) E. Müll., L.E. Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman 1987
New Zealand

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scientific name
8 September 1998
17 April 2001
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