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Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994

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Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin, New Zealand J. Bot. 32 70 (1994)
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994

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New Zealand
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Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994
NZ holotype
Anthracophyllum pallidum
New Zealand : North I.: Auckland: Waitakere Ra., Waiatarua, on dead twigs of Olearia furfuracea, R.E. Beever, 3 Dec 1973, holotype PDD 60846

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Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994

New Zealand: North I.: Auckland: Waitakere Ra., Waiatarua, on dead twigs of Olearia furfuracea, R.E. Beever, 3 Dec 1973, PDD 60846 (holotype); Hauraki Gulf, Noises Is, on living branches of O. furfuracea, R.E. Beever, 21 Mar 1993, PDD 61126.
Basidiome 6-8 mm diam., sometimes stipitate, orbicular to reniform (basally cordate) to conchate. Pileus dry, radially sulcate following the lamellae, margin slightly crenate; surface dark vinaceous (9D3), with small, blackish, warty patches. Hymenophore flesh coloured (7B5), fawn (7C4) when dry, either smooth or lamellate, with 1-5 principal lamellae converging laterally towards the margin or to a smooth, sublateral point, sometimes with a second series of short lamellae; no interveining. Lamellae often fairly shallow and distant, margin rounded and concolorous. Stipe lateral, very short, curved, concolorous with hymenophore, surface pruinose. Smell and taste unknown. Spore print unknown. Spores 8-14 x 8-10 (9.2 x 8.2) µm, Q = 1.1, very variable in size and shape, the smaller ones being nearly spherical and the larger ones ovoid to elliptical, hyaline, not staining in KOH, inamyloid, not dextrinoid, acyanophilic, smooth, thin-walled, apiculus prominent. Basidia 50-75 x 5-14 µm, conspicuously large, elongate clavate, occasionally sclerified, (2)-4-spored, sterigmata stout. Hyphoid cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia present, 40-55 x 5 µm, with 1-5 short, apical branches, found among the basidia on lamellar edge and face. Trama of closely packed narrow (2-3 µm diam.) hyphae with thick, glassy-looking walls. Subhymenium a narrow zone of more loosely interwoven hyphae. Lower context of narrow (2-3 µm diam.) closely packed hyphae like the trama, upper part of the context of more loosely interwoven hyphae. The pileipellis consists of more or less repent hyphae 4-5 µm diam., often conspicuously encrusted with black granules turning to dark blue green in KOH. From these arise a tangle of narrower, diverticulate to almost Rameales hyphae, 15-25 x 2 µm, with conspicuous blobs of green staining pigment on their walls. Frequent, spherical aggregations of these hyphae are responsible for the dark, floccose appearance of the pileus. Stipe surface also of Rameales structure, some of the hyphal endings encrusted with blobs of pigment, turning intensely green in KOH. No brown extractable pigment present in the basidiome. All hyphae with conspicuous, almost medallion-like, clamp connections.
Gregarious on twigs in indigenous forest, collections as yet confined to Olearia furfuracea.  
Basidioma 6-8 mm diam., nonnunquam stipitatum, orbiculare vel reniforme vel conchatum. Pileus aridus, lividovinaceus (9D3), tectus parvis, subfuscis tuberculis, sulcatus radialiter secundum imaginem lamellarum, margine involuta initio, demum plana vel revoluta, crenatiuscula. Hymenophorum carneum (7B3), laeve vel lamellatum, 1-5 lamellis principalibus conniventibus lateraliter vel sublateraliter; secunda series lamellarum curtarum aliquando adest; lamellae intervenosae nullae. Lamellae saepe vix altae, distantes, margine lata, concolorata. Stipes, si praesens, lateralis, curtissimus, curvatus, concoloratus, superficie pruinosa. Odor saporque incogniti. Imago sporarum incognita. Sporae 8-14 x 8-10 (9.2 x 8.2) µm, Q = 1.1, forma et amplitudine admodum variabiles, globosae vel ovoideae vel ellipticae, hyalinae, inamyloideae, acyanophilae, haud dextrinoideae, laeves, tunicis crassis, apiculo prominenti. Basidia 50-75 x 5-14 µm, conspicue grandia, clavata, nonnunquam scleroidea, (bi-) tetraspora, sterigmatis amplis et latis. Cheilocystidia pleurocystidiaque nulla, sed aliquot cystidia hyphoidea, 40-55 x 5 µm, 1-2 ramis apicalibus, curtis, inter basidia adsunt. Subhymenium angustum ex hyphis laxius intertextis. Trama ex hyphis dense intertextis, tunicis crassis, vitreis. Contextus inferior ex hyphis angustis (23 µm diam.), tunicis crassiusculis vitreisque similibus tramae. Contextus superus ex hyphis parallelis laxe intertextis atrovirentibus, contextus inferior ex hyphis angustis, intertextis. Pileipellis ex hyphis repentibus, 4-5 µm diam., incrustatis, perviridibus in KOH. Superficie ex hyphis implicatis, curtis angustisque, 15-25 x 2µm, extremis diverticulatis vel Ramealibus, nonnunquam arcte fasciculatis, incrustatis globulbis pigmenti in KOH valde viridescentis. Stipitipellis ex hyphis Ramealibus, nonnullis ad finem incrustatis globulis pigmenti in KOH valde viridescentis. Pigmentum brunneum nullum quod extrahi potest. Gregarie in ramis mortuis vivisque (Olearia furfuracea (A.Rich.) Hook.f.), in silva. Novazelandia.
This species differs from the two species described above in the consistently pale colour of the hymenophore and the dark, granular pileal surface. In some respects, such as pale colours of hymenophore and huge basidia, both  A. glaucophyllum and A. pallidum resemble the Venezuelan species A. andinum Dennis, but have much smaller basidiomes, slightly smaller spores (A. glaucophyllum), and lack the conspicuous interveining which appears to be a feature of A. andinum (Pegler & Young 1989).
PDD 60846.

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Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin (1994)
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin (1994)
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin (1994)
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin (1994)
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin (1994)
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994

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Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994
New Zealand
Anthracophyllum pallidum Segedin 1994
New Zealand

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New Zealand : North I.: Auckland: Waitakere Ra., Waiatarua, on dead twigs of Olearia furfuracea, R.E. Beever, 3 Dec 1973, holotype PDD 60846

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1 January 2001
15 December 2003
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