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Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. 1985

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Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst., Mycotaxon 24 350 (1985)
Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. 1985

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New Zealand
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P.R. Johnst.
P.R. Johnst.
Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. 1985
NZ holotype
Acarosporina hyalina
New Zealand, Bay of Plenty, Te Puke DSIR Research Orchard, on Actinidia deliclosa, G.J.Samuels, S.R.Pennycook, 21.VI. 1982 holotype PDD 45045, ex type ICMP 24782

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Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. 1985

Although the type specimen was described as having a hyaline ascomatal wall, a later specimen (PDD 119591), with an identical ITS sequence to the type, has a dark ascomatal wall. [PRJ, 2023]

Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. 1985

Ascocarps immersed in host hypodermal tissue, flask-shaped, 0.3-0.7mm diam., initially raising the covering host tissue into a small pustule, which then splits to expose the white, crystalline ascocarp margin. Ascocarp margin extending across top of the hymenium, and opening by a small, irregularly-shaped aperture near centre of the ascocarp. Margin in transverse section up to 80um wide, comprising three layers; 1, a wall layer, up to 20um wide, of hyaline, 1.5-2um diam. hyphae, extending from a short distance below the subhymenium to half way up the ascocarp margin; 2, a crystalline, 30um wide, wedge-shaped layer in the top half of the margin, extending partially over the hymenium; 3, a 30um wide layer of cylindrical, unbranched periphyses lines the wall and crystal layers, periphyses amyloid in upper half of the margin. Subhymenium !0-12jjm wide, of thin walled, hyaline cells, 3-5um diam. Paraphyses filiform, i.5-2jjm diam., undifferentiated at apices, net extending beyond asci. Asci 8-spored, cylindric, 163-195 x 5-6um; wall thickened up to 3.5um at apex, with a small central pore, the upper 10-20um of the ascus wall faintly and diffusely amyloid. Ascospores initially filiform, extending almost the length of the ascus, disarticulating into nonseptate, 1.8-2 x l.2um part-spores. Synanamorphs known only from culture. Ascospores germinating on Difco cornmeal dextrose agar within 21 h. After six weeks growth on oatmeal agar at 20 C colonies 6-7cm diam.; aerial mycelium low, white, cottony to felted; agar pale brown. Pale brown conidiomata scattered on agar surface, 3-4 loculate, walls 10-25um wide, of hyaline to very pale brown, thin walled hyphae. Pycnidial locules are of two types. The first type of locule with conidiogenous cells cylindrical, unbranched, 8-15 x 1.5-2um, sympodial, with several broad scars near apices; conidia hyaline, nonseptate, more or less clavate in shape, apex broadly rounded, base truncate, often slightly curved,3.2-4 x 1.2-1.upm. The second type of locule with the inner-most layer of wall hyphae extending into the pycnidial cavity, forming occasionally branching, closely septate chains of cells. The chains disarticulate into nonseptate, hyaline, straight or slightly curved arthroconidia, 2.2-3.5 x 0.8(-1.0)um. Habitat: known only from type collection on a dead twig Specimen examined: New Zealand, Bay of Plenty, Te Puke DSIR Research Orchard, on Actinidia deliclosa, G.J.Samuels S.R.Pennycook, 21.VI. 1982 (PDD 45045 - Holotype).

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Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. 1985
Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. 1985
Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. 1985
Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. (1985)
Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. 1985
Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. (1985)
Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. 1985
Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. (1985)

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Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. 1985
New Zealand
Acarosporina hyalina P.R. Johnst. 1985
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty

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New Zealand, Bay of Plenty, Te Puke DSIR Research Orchard, on Actinidia deliclosa, G.J.Samuels, S.R.Pennycook, 21.VI. 1982 holotype PDD 45045, ex type ICMP 24782

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scientific name
24 September 2003
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