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Festuca deflexa Connor

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Festuca deflexa Connor, New Zealand J. Bot. 36: 341 (1998)
Festuca deflexa Connor

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New Zealand
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Festuca deflexa Connor
Festuca deflexa

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Festuca deflexa Connor

2n = 42
2n = 42

Festuca deflexa Connor

Elegant tufted slender or ± stout extravaginally branching grass rooting at nodes with tall inflorescences of deflexed branches of spikelets borne high above fine glaucous leaf-blades. Prophyll 3-6 cm, keels predominantly antrorsely ciliate. Branching extravaginal. Leaf-sheath 3-7-12 cm, keeled, red, purple or stramineous, glabrous or with short fine prickles sparse on ribs, margins membranous, glabrous; apical auricles 0.4-0.7 mm, rounded or truncate, symmetrical, ciliate. Ligule shorter centrally, erose, ciliate. Collar triangular, thickened. Leaf-blade 15-25 cm × 0.4-0.7 mm diam., hexagonal in outline and ribs evident or rounded, glaucous, usually persistent, abaxially smooth but occasionally prickle-toothed below and very occasionally with retrorse hairs, abaxially and on margins a multitude of short antrose hairs at base becoming fewer above; TS: 5 vascular bundles, 7 sclerenchyma strands. Culm (15)-30-65 cm, erect, much exceeding leaf-blades, internodes glabrous, nodes evident. Panicle 7-16 cm, with 4-10 nodes, 7-25 spikelets; branches widely spaced, pulvinate and spreading to deflexed, basal branch solitary or binate 5-8 cm with 4-8 spikelets, naked below, uppermost 3-9 spikelets solitary on 4-6 mm pedicels; rachis smooth below becoming prickle-toothed on edges, branches and pedicels prickle-toothed. Spikelets 8-14 mm × 3-4 mm wide, of 5-7 florets, ripening golden-brown, often very distant. Glumes unequal, keeled or faintly so, prickle-toothed on keel above, margins ciliate, apex truncate and sometimes shallowly cleft or obtuse; usually green or light purple centrally, lighter or hyaline at thin margins; lower 3-4.5 mm, 1-nerved, upper 3.5-6.5 mm, usually 3-nerved often conspicuous. Lemma 5-6.75 mm, lobes 0 or minute, lightly purpled, nerves evident, slightly keeled above, prickle-toothed from outermost nerve to very shortly ciliate chartaceous margin and near awn; awn 0.2-1.75 mm, sparsely prickle-toothed. Palea 5.5-7.5 mm, ≥ lemma, apex deeply (0.2-0.5 mm) bifid, keels toothed sometimes to base, interkeel hairs in upper ⅓, margins of flanks very shortly toothed. Callus 0.2-0.75 mm, bearded near rachilla; articulation ± flat. Rachilla 1-1.5 mm, short stiff hairy. Lodicules 0.7-1.1 mm, lobed or entire, hair-tipped. Anthers (2)-3-4.0 mm, yellow or purple tinged. Gynoecium: ovary 0.6-1 mm, hispid hairs at apex; stigma-styles 1.5-2.5 mm, stigmas almost to base. Caryopsis 3-3.5 mm; embryo 0.75 mm; hilum 2 mm.

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Festuca deflexa Connor
Festuca deflexa Connor
Festuca deflexa Connor
Festuca deflexa Connor
Festuca deflexa Connor
Festuca deflexa Connor
Festuca deflexa Connor
Festuca deflexa Connor
Festuca deflexa Connor
Festuca deflexa Connor
Festuca deflexa Connor
Festuca deflexa Connor

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Festuca deflexa Connor
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Festuca deflexa Connor
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Festuca deflexa Connor
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
15 February 2007
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