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Koeleria novozelandica Domin

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Koeleria novozelandica Domin, Biblioth. Bot. 65: 116 (1907)
Koeleria novozelandica Domin

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New Zealand
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Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica

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Koeleria novozelandica Domin

2n = 28
2n = 28
2n = 28

Koeleria novozelandica Domin

Extremely variable, slender, occasionally lush, tufted or very shortly rhizomatous perennial, of low to medium stature, 4-46-(82) cm, with leaves varying from greyish green to green and from tightly inrolled to flat, with erect culms and usually spike-like panicles, sometimes greatly overtopping leaves; branching extravaginal. Leaf-sheath abaxially glabrous, scabrid, pubescent or villous. Ligule membranous, truncate, often erose and/or somewhat ciliate, (0.2)-0.3-1.3 mm. Collar often thickened and paler near margins, often with long hairs on upper margins. Leaf-blade flat, folded or involute, linear to ± filiform, 3-15-(30) cm × 1-1.5 mm diam., or up to 2-(4) mm wide, abaxially glabrous, scabrid, pubescent or villous, adaxially ribbed, scabrid to densely villous, especially on ribs; margins ± scabrid, often with long hairs below, apex acute, hooded. Culm to 41-(66) cm, internodes entirely glabrous or frequently minutely pubescent below panicle, often scabrid to villous above and/or below nodes, very occasionally pubescent throughout. Panicle (2.0)-3.0-16 × 0.5-1.2 cm, spike-like or occasionally lanceolate, sometimes interrupted, with appressed-ascending branches; branches and pedicels glabrous, scabrid or pubescent to villous; bract subtending panicle glabrous, or often tipped by long hairs, or absent. Spikelets (3.8)-4.5-5.8-(7) mm, 2-3-(5)-flowered, light green, often purplish to brownish. Glumes subequal, membranous with wide hyaline margins above, oblong-lanceolate to elliptic; lower 3.0-4.8 mm, 1-3-nerved, upper 3.2-5.2 mm, 3-4-nerved. Lemma (3.0)-3.8-4.7-(5.5) mm, 3-5-nerved, oblong, narrow obovate, or lanceolate, acute, acuminate or occasionally obtuse, entire, mucronate or shortly awned (sometimes within one panicle), apex sometimes minutely bidentate; awn apical or subapical, to 1.5-(3.2) mm. Palea 3.5-4.3 mm, recurved from base, keel prickle-toothed above. Callus hairs (0.1)-0.2-0.5-(0.7) mm. Rachilla 0.6-1.5-(1.9) mm, hairs 0.2-1.4 mm; prolongation c. 1 mm, hairs short (0.3 mm). Lodicules 0.7-1.1 mm. Anthers 0.8-2.5 mm. Gynoecium: ovary 0.5-0.8 mm; stigma-styles 1-1.4 mm. Caryopsis c. 2 × 0.4 mm.

Koeleria novozelandica Domin

Extremely variable, slender, occasionally lush, tufted or very shortly rhizomatous perennial, of low to medium stature, 4-46-(82) cm tall, with leaves varying from greyish green to green and from tightly inrolled to flat, with erect culms and usually spiciform panicles, sometimes greatly overtoppin g leaves; branching extravaginal. Leaf-sheath abaxially glabrous, scabrid, pubescent or villous. Ligule membranous, truncate, often erose and/or somewhat ciliate, (0.2)0.3-1.3 mm; collar often thickened and paler on edges, often with long hairs on upper margins. Leaf-blade flat, folded or involute, linear to ± filiform, 3-15-(30) cm × 1-1.5 mm diam., or up to 2-(4) mm wide, apex acute, hooded, margins ± scabrid, often with long hairs below, abaxially glabrous, scabrid, pubescent or villous, adaxially ridged, scabrid to densely villous, especially on nerves. Culm to 41-(66) cm, entirely glabrous or frequently minutely pubescent below panicle, often scabrid to villous above and/or below nodes, very occasionally pubescent throughout. Panicle (2.0)-3.0-16 × 0.5- 1.2 cm, spiciform or occasionally lanceolate, sometimes interrupted, with appressed-ascending branches; branches and pedicels glabrous, scabrid or pubescent to villous; bract subtending panicle glabrous, or often tipped by long hairs, or absent. Spikelets (3 .8)–4.5–5.8–(7) mm, 2–3–(5)-flowered, light green, often purplish to brownish. Glumes subequal, membranous with wide hyaline margins above, oblong-lanceolate to elliptic; lower 3.0– 4.8 mm, 1–3-nerved, upper 3.2–5.2 mm, 3–4-nerved. Lemmas (3.0)–3.8–4.7–(5.5) mm, 3–5-nerved, oblong, narrow obovate, or lanceolate, acute, acuminate or occasionally obtuse, entire, mucronate or shortly awned; awn apical or subapical, to 1.5–(3.2) mm, tips sometimes minutely bidentate. Palea 3.5–4.3 mm, recurved from base, with prickle teeth on upper 2/3–¾ of keel . Callus hairs (0.1)–0.2–0.5(-0.7) mm. Rachilla 0.6–1.5–(1.9) mm, with hairs 0.2–1.4 mm; prolongation c. 1 mm, with short (0.3 mm) hairs. Lodicules 0.7–1.1 mm. Anthers 0.8–2.5 mm. Gynoecium: ovary 0.5–0.8 mm; stigma-styles 1–1.4 mm. Caryopsis c. 2 × 0.4 mm. Endemic.

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Koeleria gintlii Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin var. novozelandica
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica var. parvula Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica var. typica Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
Koeleria superba Domin
Koeleria novozelandica Domin

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Koeleria novozelandica Domin
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Koeleria novozelandica Domin
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
29 August 2005
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