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Lecanora subcoarctata (C.Knight) Hertel

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Lecanora subcoarctata (C.Knight) Hertel (1984)
Lecanora subcoarctata (C.Knight) Hertel

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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(C.Knight) Hertel
Lecanora subcoarctata

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Thallus dingy whitish-cream or pale fawnish, 0.2 mm thick, ± areolate-cracked, areolate convex, verrucose or plicate-rugose, forming irregular or spreading patches, 1-3 cm diam. Apothecia scattered, solitary, sessile, constricted at base, 0.2-0.8 mm diam., plane, rarely subconvex, disc black, matt, epruinose, margins narrow, persistent, entire, pale, translucent, pinkish-white when wet or pale red-brown, concolorous with thallus when dry. Epithecium greenish-black, 5-9 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 40-60 µm tall. Hypothecium to 30 µm thick, pale yellow-brown. Ascospores oval-ellipsoid, straight, apices rounded, 10.2-13.6 × 5.1-6.8 µm.
Thallus whitish, creamish to pale brownish, areolate-cracked, areolae ± subconvex, ± scabrid-roughened, with a thin, black, marginal prothallus. Apothecia scattered, 0.2-0.8 mm diam., sessile, plane to convex, matt, or shining, black, conspicuous, often ± confluent, margins thin, raised, black or pale flesh-coloured, entire to ± crenulate. Epithecium green-black, 8-15 µm thick. Hymenium colourless 21-30 µm tall. Paraphyses dense, straight, apices capitate, greenish-black, 5-6 µm thick. Hypothecium 80-120(-150) µm thick, pale yellowish-brown or olive. Ascospores ellipsoid, 8.3-12.0 × 5.2-6.8 µm.
Thallus creamish-white, 0.7 mm thick, continuous, smooth or very finely and minutely areolate-cracked, in round or irregular patches, delimited at margins by a thin black line of prothallus. Apothecia scattered, sessile, constricted at base, solitary, rounded, 0.2-0.5(-0.8) mm diam., disc black or blue-black, grey-pruinose at first, then epruinose, margins at first raised, entire, black, excluded at maturity. Epithecium granular, greenish-black or greenish-grey, 8-13 µm thick. Hymenium colourless or pale straw-coloured, to 90 µm tall. Hypothecium colourless, opaque, Ascospores oblong-ellipsoid, 8.3-12.0 × 5-6.8 µm.
Thallus in rosettes or patches 15-40 mm diam., grey-white or creamish, areolate-cracked to chinky-granular, areolae angular, convex, surface wrinkled plicate or roughened-granular or continuous, margins subplacodioid, delimited by a thin, black prothallus. Apothecia ± central, rounded or irregular, contorted by mutual pressure, 0.4-0.8 mm diam., dark brown to black, adnate, plane to convex, margins entire, pale brown, waxy, excluded in old fruits. Epithecium green-black, pigment in tips of capitate paraphyses. Hymenium colourless, 40-45 µm tall. Asci clavate, 45 × 13.6 µm. Ascospores oval-ellipsoid, 10.2-12.0 × 6.8-8.3 µm.

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Lecanora subcoarctata (C.Knight) Hertel
Lecanora subcoarctata (C.Knight) Hertel
Lecanora subcoarctata (C.Knight) Hertel
Lecidea allanii Zahlbr.
Lecanora subcoarctata (C.Knight) Hertel
Lecidea circumdiluens Nyl.
Lecanora subcoarctata (C.Knight) Hertel
Lecidea friabilis Zahlbr.
Lecanora subcoarctata (C.Knight) Hertel
Lecidea gallinarum Zahlbr.
Lecanora subcoarctata (C.Knight) Hertel
Lecidea subcoarctata C.Knight
Lecanora subcoarctata (C.Knight) Hertel

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New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
New Zealand
Otago Land District
New Zealand
Otago Land District
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
9 February 2010
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