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Camarophyllus muritaiensis (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1973

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
Is NZ relevant
This is a synonym
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Threat status: Data deficient

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E. Horak
G. Stev.
(G. Stev.) E. Horak
as 'muritaensis'
illegitimate, superfluous
Camarophyllus muritaiensis

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Camarophyllus muritaiensis (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1973

Holotype (K): 'Muritai (Butterfly)N.Z.; leg. C. Cone in Stevenson (1352), 2.VI.1958'.
'Pileus 10-20 mm diam., salmon pink, hemispherical, dry, smooth, finally fibrillose; flesh pink-tinged, continuous with stipe. Gills decurrent, tinged pink, rather thick, moderately distant. Stipe 30-40 x 3-4 mm, white, solid, smooth, silky'. Spores 6.5-8 x 4.5-5.5 µm, ovoid to subglobose, smooth, inamyloid. Basidia 45-55 x 6 µm, 4-spored. Cystidia absent. Gill trama of interwoven hyphae. Cuticle a cutis consisting of repent, densely woven, not gelatinized hyphae (4-8 µm diam.). Clamp connections numerous.
On mossy banks under Nothofagus. New Zealand.
Illustrations: Stevenson 1962: l.c.: Fig. 2/6, P1. 6/1.
In dried condition the carpophores of C. muritaensis (Stev.) resemble very much C. virgineus (Fr.) but fresh fruiting bodies are distinguished at once by the salmon pink coloured pileus and lamellae.          

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Camarophyllus muritaiensis (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1973
Camarophyllus muritaiensis (G. Stev.) E. Horak (1973)
Camarophyllus muritaiensis (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1973
Camarophyllus muritaiensis (G. Stev.) E. Horak (1973)
Camarophyllus muritaiensis (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1973
Camarophyllus muritaiensis (G. Stev.) E. Horak (1973)

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Camarophyllus muritaiensis (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1973
New Zealand
Camarophyllus muritaiensis (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1973
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Camarophyllus muritaiensis (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1973
New Zealand
Camarophyllus muritaiensis (G. Stev.) E. Horak 1973
New Zealand

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scientific name
29 June 2001
29 June 2001
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