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Anisotome aromatica var. incisa (Kirk) Cheeseman

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Anisotome aromatica var. incisa (Kirk) Cheeseman, Man. New Zealand Fl., ed. 2, 680 (1925)
Anisotome aromatica var. incisa (Kirk) Cheeseman

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New Zealand
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(Kirk) Cheeseman
Anisotome aromatica var. incisa

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Anisotome aromatica var. incisa (Kirk) Cheeseman

Stems stout to rather slender, striate, up to c. 5 dm. tall; lamina narrow-oblong in outline, up to ± 20 cm. long, on petiole up to ± 10 cm. long; pinnae 5-10 pairs, flabellate to rhomboid in outline, distant, submembr., on petiolules up to ± 5 mm. long, or subsessile. Lamina of pinnae ± 20 × 25 mm., very deeply irregularly 3-(5)-lobed; lobes again deeply divided; final segs about oblong, rather abruptly narrowed to stiff hair-process. Umbel-bearing portion of stem very slender; bracts up to ± 2 cm. long, including delicate sheath and small lamina. Umbels compound, on slender peduncles up to c. 8 cm. long. Primary rays unequal, 5-10, very slender, up to 3 cm. long; involucral bracts few, filiform, secondary rays very short, up to 15. Umbellules c. 5-10 mm. diam. in fl.

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Anisotome aromatica var. incisa (Kirk) Cheeseman
Anisotome aromatica var. incisa (Kirk) Cheeseman
Anisotome aromatica var. incisa (Kirk) Cheeseman
Ligusticum incisum Kirk
Anisotome aromatica var. incisa (Kirk) Cheeseman

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Anisotome aromatica var. incisa (Kirk) Cheeseman
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Anisotome aromatica var. incisa (Kirk) Cheeseman
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Anisotome aromatica var. incisa (Kirk) Cheeseman
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
23 May 2012
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