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Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla

Scientific name record
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Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones in Bayly et al., New Zealand J. Bot. 38: 173-175 (2000) var. stenophylla

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Bayly & Garn.-Jones
(Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones
Hebe stenophylla var. stenophylla

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Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla

Branchlets glabrous or bifariously to uniformly puberulent. Leaves linear, or lanceolate, or elliptic, 19-87 mm long, 2.5-6.5(-9.5) mm wide; adaxial surface conspicuously pitted to apparently smooth (except along margins), stomata sparse to dense; margins broad, glabrous or minutely hairy (especially toward the apex). Inflorescences 26-95 mm long. Corolla tube usually glabrous within, 3.0-4.9 mm long.

Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla

2n = 40
n = 20
2n = 40

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Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla
Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla
Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla
Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla
Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla
Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla
Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla
Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla
Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla
Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla
Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla
Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla
Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla
Hebe stenophylla (Steudel) Bayly & Garn.-Jones var. stenophylla

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scientific name
1 January 2000
28 September 2010
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