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Ophiocordyceps novae-zelandiae (Dingley) B. Shrestha, G.H. Sung & Spatafora 2015

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Ophiocordyceps novae-zelandiae (Dingley) B. Shrestha, G.H. Sung & Spatafora in Spatafora et al., IMAFungus 6 361 (2015)
Ophiocordyceps novae-zelandiae (Dingley) B. Shrestha, G.H. Sung & Spatafora 2015

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New Zealand
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B. Shrestha, G.H. Sung & Spatafora
(Dingley) B. Shrestha, G.H. Sung & Spatafora
Ophiocordyceps novae-zelandiae

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Auckland: Hunua Ra., Kohukohunui Ridge, 1,300 feet, November 1943, J.M.D. (10675); Titirangi, March 1946, J.M.D. (10671); Papatoetoe, August 1947, J.M.D. (10673); Waitakere Ra., Waiatarua, November 1948, J.M.D. (10672). Otago : Hollyford Valley, January 1950, J.M.D. (10674) Type coll.
Endosclerotium retaining form of host, ferrugineus, often covered with ochraceous, byssoid mycelium, hyphae 1.5-2 µ diameter, gemmae globose 4-8 µ diameter, axillary terminal or intercalary. Stromata prosenchymatous, hyphae lightly pigmented 2-5 µ thick, arising irregularily from endosclerotium, usually stalked, branched, often anastomosing, up to 5 mm. high, terminating with a globose head of perithecia, 2 mm. diameter; sometimes stromata sessile and effuse on endosclerotium. Perithecia gregarious, superficial, obpyriform 0.35-0.4 x 0.5-0.6 mm., translucent, ochraceous, ostiole papillate; perithecial wall 40-50 µ thick, pseudoparenchymatous, cells 3-6 x 4-5 µ, subhymenial layer prosenchymatous, hyphae difluent. Asci cylindrical, linear, 250-340 x 3-5 µ, apical cap globose, 3-5 µ diameter, with distinct canal, eight spored, spores loosely twisted in fascicle. Spores linear, filiform, 250-300 x 0.5-1 µ, multiseptate, dividing into part-spores within ascus; part-spores 1.5-3 x 0.5-1 µ, hyaline. Conidial stage: Conidia oval or globose 4-6 µ x 2-5 µ hyaline, smooth, catenulated from phialides 10-12 µ long; phialides borne in terminal clusters on aerial mycelium on endosclerotium - Hymenostilbe sp.
HABITAT. On adult of Coelostomidea sp.
Endosclerotium lineamenta hospitis sequitur. Hyphis 2 µ diam., ramosis ochraceis, gemmis globosis 4-8 µ diam., axillaribus, terminalibus vel intercalaribus. Stromata plerumque stipitibus, ramosa, ad 5 mm. longa, capitibus fertilibus terminalibus ad 2 mm. diam., sed interdum in endosclerotium effusa. Perithecia superficialia, obpyriform, 0.35-0.4 x 0.5-0.6 mm. pariete perithecii 40-50 µ crasso, pseudoparenchymato ostiolo papillato. Asci cylindricales, lineares 250-340 x 3.0-5.0 µ, capitibus globosis 3-5 µ diam., 8 sporis. Sporae lineares 250-300 x 0.5-1 µ multiseptatae, in sporas divisas in asco se dividentes. Sporae divisae 1.5-3 x 0.5-1 µ. Statu in conidiali phialidibus in endosclerotio in coronis terminalibus aggregatis, 10-12 µ longis conidiis ovalibus vel globosis 4-6 x 3-5 µ, hyalinis - Hymenostilbe sp.
Commonly perithecia are produced on an effuse stroma on the endosclerotium, although in the type they are formed on a compact globose head. The host genus is endemic to New Zealand.
Otago: Hollyford Valley, January 1950, J.M.D. (10674) Type coll.

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Cordyceps novae-zealandiae Dingley
Ophiocordyceps novae-zelandiae (Dingley) B. Shrestha, G.H. Sung & Spatafora 2015
Ophiocordyceps novae-zelandiae (Dingley) B. Shrestha, G.H. Sung & Spatafora 2015
Ophiocordyceps novae-zelandiae (Dingley) B. Shrestha, G.H. Sung & Spatafora 2015

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12 January 2016
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