Melanda, Gislaine C. S.; Silva-Filho, Alexandre G. S.; Lenz, Alexandre Rafael; Menolli, Nelson; Lima, Alexandro de Andrade de; Ferreira, Renato Juciano; Assis, Nathalia Mendonça de; Cabral, Tiara S.; Martín, María P.; Baseia, Iuri Goulart 2021: An Overview of 24 Years of Molecular Phylogenetic Studies in Phallales (Basidiomycota) With Notes on Systematics, Geographic Distribution, Lifestyle, and Edibility. Frontiers in Microbiology 12(689374): 1-19.

Melanda, Gislaine C. S.; Silva-Filho, Alexandre G. S.; Lenz, Alexandre Rafael; Menolli, Nelson; Lima, Alexandro de Andrade de; Ferreira, Renato Juciano; Assis, Nathalia Mendonça de; Cabral, Tiara S.; Martín, María P.; Baseia, Iuri Goulart 2021: An Overview of 24 Years of Molecular Phylogenetic Studies in Phallales (Basidiomycota) With Notes on Systematics, Geographic Distribution, Lifestyle, and Edibility. Frontiers in Microbiology 12(689374): 1-19.
Taxonomic concepts
Protubera hautuensis Castellano & Beever
Protubera nothofagi Castellano & Beever
Cited scientific names
- Aseroe rubra Labill. 1800
- Clathrus archeri (Berk.) Dring 1980
- Clathrus chrysomycelinus Möller 1895
- Claustula fischeri K.M. Curtis 1926
- Hysterangiales K. Hosaka & Castellano 2006
- Ileodictyon cibarium Tul. & C. Tul. 1844
- Phallales E. Fisch. 1898
- Phallobata alba G. Cunn. 1926
- Protubera hautuensis Castellano & Beever 1994
- Protubera nothofagi Castellano & Beever 1994
- Trappeaceae P.M. Kirk 2008
8 October 2021