Australian Systematic Botany

Australian Systematic Botany
Related references
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- Adams, L.G.; West, J.G., Cowley, K.J. 2008: Revision of Spergularia (Caryophyllaceae) in Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 21: 251–270.
- Albach, D.C.; Briggs, B.G. 2012: Phylogenetic analysis of Australian species of Veronica (V. section Labiatoides; Plantaginaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 25: 353–363.
- Anderson, C.L.; Rova, J. H. E.; Andersson, L. 2001: Molecular phylogeny of the tribe Anthospermeae (Rubiaceae): systematic and biogeographic implications. Australian Systematic Botany 14(2): 231–244.
- Barrett, R.L.; Wilson, K.L. 2012: A review of the genus Lepidosperma Labill. (Cyperaceae: Schoeneae). Australian Systematic Botany 25: 225–294.
- Bouma, W.L.M.; Ritchie, P.; Perrie, L.R. 2010: Phylogeny and generic taxonomy of the New Zealand Pteridaceae ferns from chloroplast rbcL DNA sequences. Australian Systematic Botany 23: 143–151.
- Brooker, M.I.H. 2000: A new classification of the genus Eucalyptus L'Hér. (Myrtaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 13(1): 79–148.
- Brownsey, P.J. 1989: The taxonomy of bracken (Pteridium: Dennstaedtiaceae) in Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 2: 113–128.
- Brownsey, P.J.; Ohlsen, D.J.; Shepherd, L.D.; Bouma, W.L.M.; May, E.L.; Bayly, M.J.; Perrie, L.R. 2020: A review of the fern genus Pellaea (Pteridaceae) in Australasia. Australian Systematic Botany 33: 446–457.
- Bruhl, J.J. 1995: Sedge genera of the world: relationships and a new classification of the Cyperaceae. Australian Systematic Botany 8: 125–305.
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- Buck, W.R. 1990: A monograph of Entodon (Entodontaceae) in Australia, Eastern Melanesia and Southern Oceania. Australian Systematic Botany 3: 701–709.
- Burke, J.M.; Bayly, M.J.; Adams, P.B.; Ladiges, P.Y. 2008: Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Dendrobium (Orchidaceae), with emphasis on the Australian section Dendrocoryne, and implications for generic classification. Australian Systematic Botany 21: 1–14.
- Cargill D. C.; Vella, N. G. F.; Sharma I.; Miller J. T. 2013: Cryptic speciation and species diversity among Australian and New Zealand hornwort taxa of Megaceros (Dendrocerotaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 26: 356–377.
- Casanova, M.T. 2013: Lamprothamnium in Australia (Characeae, Charophyceae). Australian Systematic Botany 26: 268–290.
- Casanova, M.T.; Karol, K.G. 2023: Charophytes of Australia’s Northern Territory – I. Tribe Chareae . Australian Systematic Botany 36(1): 38–79.
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- Conn, B.J. 1995: TAXONOMIC REVISION OF LOGANIA SECTION LOGANIA (LOGANIACEAE). Australian Systematic Botany 8(4): 585–665.
- Conn, B.J. 1995: Taxonomic revision of Logania section Logania (Loganiaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 8: 585–665.
- Conn, B.J.; Richards, P. G. 1994: A new species of Oxalis section Corniculatae (Oxalidaceae) from Australasia. Australian Systematic Botany 7(2): 171–181.
- Craven, L.A.; Jones, S.R. 1991: A taxonomic review of Homoranthus and two new species of Darwinia (both Myrtaceae, Chamelaucieae). Australian Systematic Botany 4(3): 513–533.
- Craven, L.A.; Lepschi, B.J. 1999: Enumeration of the Species and Infraspecific Taxa of Melaleuca (Myrtaceae) occurring in Australia and Tasmania. Australian Systematic Botany 12(6): 819–927.
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- Crayn, D.M.; Hislop, M.; Puente-Lelièvre, C. 2020: A phylogenetic recircumscription of Styphelia (Ericaceae, Epacridoideae, Styphelieae). Australian Systematic Botany 33(2): 137–168.
- Dawson, M.I.; Breitwieser, I.; Ward, J.M. 1999: Chromosome numbers in Craspedia, Ewartia and Pterygopappus (Compositae : Gnaphalieae). Australian Systematic Botany 12(5): 671–674.
- Duke, N.C. 1991: A systematic revision of the mangrove genus Avicennia (Avicenniaceae) in Australasia. Australian Systematic Botany 4: 299–324.
- Entwisle, F.J.; Foard, H.J. 1997: Batrachospermum (Batrachos-permales, Rhodophyta) in Australia and New Zealand: NewTaxa and Emended Circumscriptions in sections Aristata, Batrachospermum, Turfosa and Virescentia. Australian Systematic Botany 10(3): 331–380.
- Evans, K.J.; Weber, H.E. 2003: Rubus anglocandicans (Rosaceae) is the most widespread taxon of European blackberry in Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 16(4): 527–537.
- Field, A.R. 2020: Classification and typification of Australian lycophytes and ferns based on Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification PPG 1. Australian Systematic Botany 33: 1–102.
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- Garnock-Jones, P.J. 1993: Phylogeny of the Hebe complex (Scrophulariaceae: Veroniceae). Australian Systematic Botany 6(5): 457–479.
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- Gray, M.; Given, D. R. 1999: New Species and a New Combination in Australian Celmisia (Asteraceae–Astereae). Australian Systematic Botany 12(2): 201–206.
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- Hopper, S.D; Brown, A.P. 2004: Robert Brown's Caladenia revisited, including a revision of its sister genera Cyanicula, Ericksonella and Pheladenia (Caladeniinae: Orchidaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 17: 171–240.
- Hyland, B.P.M. 1989: A revision of Lauraceae in Australia (excluding Cassytha). Australian Systematic Botany 2(2): 135–367.
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- Janes, J.K.; Duretto, M.F. 2010: A new classification for subtribe Pterostylidinae (Orchidaceae), reaffirming Pterostylis in the broad sense. Australian Systematic Botany 23: 260–269.
- Janes, J.K.; Steane, D.A.; Vaillancourt, R.E.; Duretto, M.F. 2010: A molecular phylogeny of the subtribe Pterostylidinae (Orchidaceae): resolving the taxonomic confusion. Australian Systematic Botany 23: 248–259.
- Jobson, R.W.; Baleeiro, P.C. 2020: Radiations of fairy-aprons (Utricularia dichotoma, Lentibulariaceae) in Australia and New Zealand: molecular evidence and proposal of new subspecies . Australian Systematic Botany 33: 278–310.
- Kantvilas, G.; Lumbsch, H.T. 2012: Reappraisal of the genera of Megalosporaceae (Teloschistales, Ascomycota). Australian Systematic Botany 25(3): 210–216.
- Klazenga, N. 2003: A revision of the Australasian species of Dicranoloma (Bryophyta, Dicranaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 16: 427–471.
- Kraichak, E.; Parnmen, S.; Lücking, R.; Lumbsch, H.T. 2014 ("2013"): Gintarasia and Xalocoa, two new genera to accommodate temperate to subtropical species in the predominantly tropical Graphidaceae (Ostropales, Ascomycota). Australian Systematic Botany 26(6): 466–474.
- Kreier, H.-P.; Schneider, H. 2006: Reinstatement of Loxogramme dictyopteris, based on phylogenetic evidence, for the New Zealand endemic fern, Anarthropteris lanceolata (Polypodiaceae, Polypodiidae). Australian Systematic Botany 19: 309–314.
- Lazarides, M. 1997: A Revision of Trioidia including Plectrachne (Poaceae, Eragrostideae, Triodiinae). Australian Systematic Botany 10(3): 381–489.
- Lehnebach, C.A. 2011: Re-evaluating species limits in Uncinia angustifolia, U. caespitosa s.str., U. rupestris, U. viridis and U. zotovii (Cyperaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 24: 405–420.
- Linder, H.P. 1992: The gynoecia of Australian Restionaceae: morphology, anatomy and systematic implications. Australian Systematic Botany 5: 227–245.
- Linder, H.P. 1999: Rytidosperma vickeryae - a new danthonioid grass from Kosciuszko (New South Wales, Australia): Morphology, phylogeny and biogeography. Australian Systematic Botany 12(5): 743–755.
- Martin, P.G.; Dowd, J. M. 1993: Using sequences of rbcL to study phylogeny and biogeography of Nothofagus species. Australian Systematic Botany 6: 441–447.
- Meudt, H.M. 2008: Taxonomic revision of Australasian snow hebes (Veronica, Plantaginaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 21: 387–421.
- Meudt, H.M. 2021: Taxonomic revision of five species groups of ebracteate-erect Myosotis (Boraginaceae) endemic to New Zealand, based on morphology, and description of new subspecies. Australian Systematic Botany 34: 252–304.
- Meudt, H.M.; Prebble, J.M. 2018: Species limits and taxonomic revision of the bracteate-prostrate group of southern hemisphere forget-me-nots (Myosotis, Boraginaceae), including description of three new species endemic to New Zealand. Australian Systematic Botany 31: 48–105.
- Meudt, H.M.; Prebble, J.M. 2022: Morphological analyses support recognition of three new threatened species of bracteate–prostrate Myosotis (Boraginaceae) endemic to the South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand. Australian Systematic Botany 35(5): 364–394.
- Meudt, H.M.; Prebble, J.M.; Stanley, R.J.; Thorsen, M.J. 2013: Morphological and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) data show that New Zealand endemic Myosotis petiolata (Boraginaceae) comprises three rare and threatened species. Australian Systematic Botany 26: 210–232.
- Meudt, H.M.; Thorsen, M.J.; Prebble, J.M. 2020: Taxonomic revision of the Myosotis australis group (Boraginaceae) native to Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea. Australian Systematic Botany 33: 477–524.
- Millar, A.J.K. 1993: The red algal genus Callophyllis Kützing (Kallymeniaceae, Gigartinales) from eastern mainland Australia, with notes on the genus Ectophora J. Agardh. Australian Systematic Botany 6: 321–334.
- Murphy, M.A.; Jones, C. E. 1999: Observations on the genus Elymus (Poaceae : Triticeae) in Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 12(4): 593–604.
- Nelson, W.A.; Sutherland, J.E. 2023: Hidden in plain sight: Lindauera gen. nov.: a new genus of Dictyotales from New Zealand. Australian Systematic Botany 36(2): 157–166.
- Ohlsen, D.J.; Perrie, L.R.; Shepherd, L.D.; Bayly, M.J. 2014: Taxonomic status and distribution of the critically endangered Christmas Island spleenwort (Asplenium listeri, Aspleniaceae): it is not as rare as we thought. Australian Systematic Botany 27: 372–377.
- Ohlsen, D.J.; Perrie, L.R.; Shepherd, L.D.; Brownsey, P.J.; Bayly, M.J. 2014: Investigation of species boundaries and relationships in the Asplenium paleaceum complex (Aspleniaceae) using AFLP fingerprinting and chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences. Australian Systematic Botany 27: 378–394.
- Ohlsen, D.J.; Perrie, L.R.; Shepherd, L.D.; Brownsey, P.J.; Bayly, M.J. 2014: Phylogeny of the fern family Aspleniaceae in Australasia and the south-west Pacific. Australian Systematic Botany 27: 355–371.
- Orchard, A.E. 2004: A reassessment of the genus Haeckeria (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae), with definition of a new species in Cassinia. Australian Systematic Botany 17(5): 447–467.
- Orchard, A.E. 2005: A revision of Cassinia (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) in Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 18(5): 464–468.
- Orchard, A.E. 2009: A revision of Cassinia (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) in Australia. 6. Section Cassinia. Australian Systematic Botany 22(5): 344–376.
- Orchard, A.E.; Wildon, A.J.G. 2004: Cassinia glossophylla Cass. is Ozothamnus leptophyllus (G.Forst.) Breitw. & J.M.Ward (Asteraceae). Australian Systematic Botany 17: 567–570.
- Perrie, L.R.; Ohlsen, D.J.; Shepherd, L.D.; Garrett, M.; Brownsey, P.J.; Bayly, M.J. 2010: Tasmanian and Victorian populations of the fern Asplenium hookerianum result from independent dispersals from New Zealand. Australian Systematic Botany 23: 387–392.
- Perrie, L.R.; Shepherd, L.D.; Brownsey, P.J. 2015: An expanded phylogeny of the Dennstaedtiaceae ferns: Oenotrichia falls within a non-monophyletic Dennstaedtia, and Saccoloma is polyphyletic. Australian Systematic Botany 28: 256–264.
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- Quinn, C. J.; Brown, E. A.; Heslewood, M. M.; Crayn, D. M. 2005: Generic concepts in Styphelieae (Ericaceae): the Cyathodes group. Australian Systematic Botany 18: 439–454.
- Quinn, C.J.; Crayn, D.M.; Heslewood, M.M.; Brown, E.A.; Gadek, P.A. 2003: A molecular estimate of the phylogeny of Styphelieae (Ericaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 16: 581–594.
- Renner, M.A.M.; Brown, E.A.; Wardle, G.M. 2010: The Lejeunea tumida species group (Lejeuneaceae: Jungermanniopsida) in New Zealand. Australian Systematic Botany 23: 443–462.
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17 June 2014