Udayanga, D.; Castlebury, L.A.; Rossman, A.Y.; Hyde, K.D. 2014: Species limits in Diaporthe: molecular re-assessment of D. citri, D. cytosporella, D. foeniculina and D. rudis. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 32: 83-101.

Udayanga, D.; Castlebury, L.A.; Rossman, A.Y.; Hyde, K.D. 2014: Species limits in Diaporthe: molecular re-assessment of D. citri, D. cytosporella, D. foeniculina and D. rudis. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 32: 83-101.
Taxonomic concepts
Diaporthe foeniculacea Niessl. 1880
Diaporthe foeniculina (Sacc.) Udayanga & Castl. 2014
Diaporthe neotheicola A.J.L. Phillips & J.M. Santos
Phomopsis theicola Curzi
In addition to the association with Citrus in the United States, Diaporthe citri is confirmed here in Brazil, China, Korea and New Zealand and appears to be widespread in Asia, Australasia and South America. Based on sampling in this study, we did not find D. citri to occur in Europe or any sequences in public databases corresponding to D. citri from Europe.
the D. foeniculina clade consists of 48 isolates derived from 21 different hosts in ten countries representing the geographic regions of Australia, Europe, New Zealand, northern South America and South Africa. The isolates from Citrus in this clade originated from California (USA), Spain and New Zealand.
Diaporthe rudis comprises 34 isolates derived from 18 different hosts from 13 countries representing the geographic regions of Canada, Europe, New Zealand, South America and South Africa, including the epitype culture of D. viticola. No isolates of D. rudis were reported from Citrus.
Cited scientific names
- Diaporthe citri F.A. Wolf 1926
- Diaporthe foeniculacea (Mont.) Niessl. 1879 [1879-80]
- Diaporthe foeniculina (Sacc.) Udayanga & Castl. 2014
- Diaporthe medusaea Nitschke 1870
- Diaporthe neotheicola A.J.L. Phillips & J.M. Santos 2009
- Diaporthe rudis (Fr.) Nitschke 1870
- Diaporthe sp. 11 PRJ-2013 P.R. Johnst. 2013
- Diaporthe viticola Nitschke 1870
- Guignardia foeniculacea (Mont.) Arx & E. Müll. 1954
- Phomopsis theicola Curzi 1926
5 March 2014
16 July 2014