González, Cristian D.; Chaverri, Priscila 2017: Corinectria, a new genus to accommodate Neonectria fuckeliana and C. constricta sp. nov. from Pinus radiata in Chile. Mycological Progress 16(11-12): 1015-1027.

González, Cristian D.; Chaverri, Priscila 2017: Corinectria, a new genus to accommodate Neonectria fuckeliana and C. constricta sp. nov. from Pinus radiata in Chile. Mycological Progress 16(11-12): 1015-1027.
Taxonomic concepts
Acremonium tsugae W. Gams
Corinectria fuckeliana (C. Booth) C. González & P. Chaverri
Corinectria tsugae (W. Gams) C. González & P. Chaverri
Cylindrocarpon cylindroides var. tenue Wollenw.
Nectria cucurbitula Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
Nectria fuckeliana C. Booth 1959
Neonectria fuckeliana (C. Booth) Castl. & Rossman
Neonectria tsugae (W. Gams) L. Lombard & Crous 2014
The main differences between Neonectria s. str. and Corinectria is the perithecial wall anatomy as described by Chaverri et al. (2011). Neonectria s. str. fits Booth’s classification of perithecial anatomy of the Nectriagalligena/coccinea-group, while Corinectria resembles that of the phylogenetically distantly related Nectria mammoidea-group (Booth 1959). The perithecia in Neonectria s. str. are subglobose to broadly obpyriformwith blunt apex and sometimes papillate ostiolar area,generally smooth and shiny, 35–50 μm. The perithecial wall is composed of 2–3 regions or layers; the outer consisting of thick-walled, round cells in section and face view (Booth 1959; Chaverri et al. 2011; Hirooka et al.2013). In contrast, perithecia in Corinectria are globose to subglobose, with a smooth and shiny surface and with papilla or a darker area in the ostiolar region. Corinectria also has perithecial walls that consist of 2–3 regions. Cells of the outer-wall region are oblong cylindrical and form a palisade perpendicularly oriented to the locule (Fig. 4d–f). Species of both genera produce abundant fusiform and hyaline microconidia but only Neonectria species produce chlamydospores. Corinectria spp. are known as strong to weak pathogens of only a few genera of conifers, while Neonectria species occur mostly on broadleaf hosts, sometimes conifers, as pathogens or saprophytes.
Cited scientific names
- Acremonium tsugae W. Gams 1971
- Corinectria C. González & P. Chaverri 2017
- Corinectria fuckeliana (C. Booth) C. González & P. Chaverri 2017
- Corinectria tsugae (W. Gams) C. González & P. Chaverri 2017
- Cylindrocarpon cylindroides var. tenue Wollenw. 1928
- Nectria cucurbitula Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Nectria fuckeliana C. Booth 1959
- Neonectria fuckeliana (C. Booth) Castl. & Rossman 2006
- Neonectria tsugae (W. Gams) L. Lombard & Crous 2014
21 July 2020
21 July 2020