Nova Hedwigia

Nova Hedwigia
Related references
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- Arnold, G.R.W. 1970: Nova Hedwigia 18(1-2)
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- Błaszkowski, Janusz; Chwat, Gerard; Góralska, Anna; Ryszka, Przemysław; Kovács, Gábor M. 2015: Two new genera, Dominikia and Kamienskia, and D. disticha sp. nov. in Glomeromycota. Nova Hedwigia 100(1): 225-238.
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- Braun, U. 1981: Taxonomic studies in the genus Erysiphe. I. Generic delimitation and position in the system of the Erysiphaceae. Nova Hedwigia 34(3-4): 679-719.
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- Cai, L.; Zhang, K.Q.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Hyde, K.D. 2004: Linocarpon bambusicola sp. nov. and Dictyochaeta curvispora sp. nov. from bamboo submerged in freshwater. Nova Hedwigia 78(3-4): 439-445.
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- Corner, E.J.H. 1992: Additional resupinate non-xanthochroic polypores from Brazil and Malesia. Nova Hedwigia 55(1-2): 119-152.
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9 July 2004