Wakefield, E.M. 1915: On a collection of fungi from Australia and New Zealand. Kew Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information 1915(8): 361-376.
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Wakefield, E.M. 1915: On a collection of fungi from Australia and New Zealand. Kew Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information 1915(8): 361-376.
Fungus late effusus, tennis. fragilissimus, margino indeterminato; subiculum spongioso-molle, fulvum. Hymenium avellaneum, pulverulentum. Setae stellatae brunneae, 30-140 µ latae, 3-5 radiatae, radiis 15-75 µ longis, basi 2-7.5 µ crassis. Gloeocystidia fusiformia vel ventricosa, apice acuta, 60-100 x 9-12 µ. Basidia clavata, 4-sterigmatica, 25-32 x 7 µ. Sporae subglobosae, stellato-tuberculosae, hyalinae, 7.5-10 x 6-8 µ. Hyphae hyalinae, tenuiter tunicatae, septatae, 2-2.5 µ diametro.
Exactly resembling in appearance A. cervicolor, to which species this plant was at first referred. It is also close to A. cervicolor in the general type of structure; but differs in the spores, which are angular, with large conical warts like those of Inocybe asterospora, instead of being globose with small spines. The stellate hyphae are also somewhat coarser. It might perhaps be regarded as a variety (geographical?) of A. cervicolor.
Hab. On wood, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Fungus efusus, tennis, ceraceus. Hymenium sulphurinum vel ochraceo-aurantiacum, laeve; subiculum ambitusque albida. Basidia clavata, 4-sterigmatica, 30-40 x 6-7 µ. Adsunt quoque cystidiola numerosa, subulata, apice acuta, granulis aurantiacis incrustata, alia obducta, alia usque ad 36 µ emergentia, 45-50 x 4-5 µ. Sporae oblongae, hyalinae, 5 x 2.5-3 µ, uniguttulatae. Hyphae basales hyalinae, granulis luteis leviter incrustatae, valde ramosae, septatae, diametro.
A beautiful and conspicuous species with its bright yellow colour varying to tawny orange. In the possession of slender crystidioles [sic], it is allied to C. ochraceo-favum Bourd. & Galz.; but it differs in the more brilliant colouring and softer (less horny) consistency when dry. The colouring matter is soluble in alkalies, forming a bright yellow solution.
Hab. On wood; Mamaku, near Rotorua, New Zealand.
Fungus effuses, albido-griseus, tenuissimus, sub lente cystidiis hispidulus; subiculum fere nullum. Cystidia subulata, laevia, sed apice incrustata, crasse apice excepto tunicata, hasi bifurcate, 45-70 x 8-14 µ. Basidia non visa. Sporae fusiformes, utrinque acutae, arcuatae vel flexuoso-vermiculiformes, 9-11 x 2-3 µ. Hyphae indistinctae, 1 µ diametro.
Very close to P. vermifera Bourdot, in the peculiar spores, but differing especially in the smaller size of the spores and cystidia. The walls of the cystidia are acted on by potassium hydrate solutions in the same way as those of P. glebulosa Bres., to which the present species is also allied.
Hab. On a fern petiole, Whakarewarewa, near Rotorua, New Zealand.
>Pileus 4-8 cm. latus, 2-3 cm. longus, sessilis, postice decurrens interdum omnino resupinatus, umbrinus, concentrice sulcatus et paucis zonis obscurioribus ornatus, adpresse spongioso-tomentosus. Trama tenuis, rigida, umbrina. Hymenima nigrum, pruina albida velatum, ut caesio-glaucum videtur. Cystidia nulla; basidia hyalina; sporae non visae. Hyphae subhymeniales brunneae, tenuiter tunicatae, flaccidae, septatae, saepe ad septa nodosae, 3-5 µ crassae.
A beautiful species, of striking appearance on account of the pruinose hymenium, which appears bluish-grey in colour and contrasts sharply with the umber-brown pileus. The bloom on the hymenium appears to be due to a deposit of a waxy nature, which dissolves on the addition of potassium hydrate solution. The appearance of the upper surface of the pileus resembles that of S. proliscans Berk. (= S. vespilloneum Berk.); but the hymenium differs in colour, having no tint of brown, and in the absence of cystidia. The dark-brown basal hyphae, with clamp connections, are also distinctive.
Hab. On decaying wood, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Cited scientific names
- Asterostroma persimile Wakef. 1915
- Asterostromella rhodospora Wakef. 1915
- Corticium luteoaurantiacum Wakef. 1915
- Dasyscypha calycina (Schumach.) Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Eutypella stellulata (Fr.) Sacc. 1882
- Favolus rhipidium (Berk.) Cooke 1886
- Ganoderma applanatum sensu Wakef. 1915
- Hirneola polytricha (Mont.) Fr. 1848
- Hymenochaete tabacina (Sowerby) Lév. 1846
- Hymenochaete tasmanica Massee 1890 [1891]
- Hymenochaete villosa (Lév.) Bres. 1910
- Hypoxylon coccineum Bull. 1791
- Irpex brevis Berk. 1855
- Lachnellula calycina Sacc. 1889
- Melanomma plagia (Cooke & Massee) Wakef. 1915
- Odontia scopinella (Berk.) Berk. ex Cooke 1891
- Peniophora cheesmanii Wakef. 1915
- Peniophora cinerea (Pers.) Cooke 1879
- Peniophora velutina (DC.) Cooke 1879
- Peniophora vermicularis Wakef. 1915
- Phlebia reflexa Berk. 1851
- Pinus
- Rosellinia aquila (Fr.) De Not. 1844
- Solenia candida Pers. 1794
- Solenia candida sensu G. Cunn. 1953
- Stereum ceriferum Wakef. 1915
- Stereum hirsutum (Willd.) Pers. 1794
- Stereum illudens Berk. 1845
- Stereum rhabarbarinum (Kuntze) Wakef. 1915
- Stereum vellereum Berk. 1855
- Trametes cinnabarina sensu Wakef. 1915
- Urnula rhytidia (Berk.) Cooke 1889
3 July 2001