Pennycook, S.R. 2003: Nomenclatural revisions of New Zealand agarics and boletes. New Zealand Journal of Botany 41(3): 501-502.

Taxonomic concepts
Recently, Bresinsky & Jarosch (Bresinsky et al.1999) created a new bolete genus Austropaxillus to accommodate Southern Hemisphere species of Paxillus, including three New Zealand endemic species described by McNabb (1969). One of McNabb's names, Paxillus aurantiacus, is an illegitimate later homonym; consequently, Bresinsky & Jarosch's binomial Austropaxillus aurantiacus must be treated as a nomen novum dating from 1999 rather than a combinatio nova based on a 1969 basionym (Greuter et al. 2000, Article 58). Thus, the nomen novum Paxillus macnabbii previously published by Singer et al. (1990) has priority, and it is here recombined in Austropaxillus.
Austropaxillus macnabbii (Singer, J.García & L.D.Gómez) Pennycook, comb. nov.ç Paxillus aurantiacus McNabb, N.Z. J. Bot. 7, 357 (1969), nom. illegit., non Ellis 1882. ç Paxillus macnabbii Singer, J.García & L.D.Gómez, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 98, 4 (1990), nom. nov., as "mcnabbii".ç Austropaxillus aurantiacus Bresinsky & Jarosch, in Bresinsky et al., Plant Biology 1, 332 (1999), nom. nov. superfl., as "comb. nov."
NOTES: Index of Fungi 6: 442, 1994, is mistaken in attributing the misspelt epithet "auranticus" to McNabb (1969); the origin of this misspelling is a typographic error in Index of Fungi 3: 561, 1970.
Horak (1997) described the New Zealand agaric Marasmius podocarpi, which is an illegitimate later homonym, requiring a nomen novum.
Marasmius podocarpicola Pennycook, nom. nov.ç Marasmius podocarpi Desjardin & E.Horak,Biblioth. Mycol. 168, 126 (1997), nom. illegit., non Singer 1952.
ETYMOLOGY: referring to the substrate genus, Podocarpus.
In a final paper published after his premature death in 1972, New Zealand mycologist Ross McNabb described 32 new endemic species of the genus Russula (McNabb 1973). All of these continue to be accepted as distinct taxa, but three of his names,Russula atrovirens, R. littoralis, and R. rimosa, are homonyms of earlier names, and are thus nomina illegitima, requiring new names. The first of the three was renamed by Buyck (1990) [as Russula atroviridis, for R. atrovirens]; the other two are renamed here.
Russula littorea Pennycook, nom. nov. ç Russula littoralis McNabb, N.Z. J. Bot. 11, 681 (1973), nom. illegit., non Romagn. 1972 (nec Pegler 1980, nom. illegit.).
ETYMOLOGY: referring to the seashore type locality, Bethell's Beach, Auckland.
In a final paper published after his premature death in 1972, New Zealand mycologist Ross McNabb described 32 new endemic species of the genus Russula (McNabb 1973). All of these continue to be accepted as distinct taxa, but three of his names,Russula atrovirens, R. littoralis, and R. rimosa, are homonyms of earlier names, and are thus nomina illegitima, requiring new names. The first of the three was renamed by Buyck (1990) [as Russula atroviridis, for R. atrovirens]; the other two are renamed here.
Russula rimulosa Pennycook, nom. nov.ç Russula rimosa McNabb, N.Z. J. Bot. 11, 698 (1973), nom. illegit., non Murrill 1946.
ETYMOLOGY: referring to McNabb's description of the pileus as "finely rimose".
Cited scientific names
- Austropaxillus mcnabbii (Singer, J. García & L.D. Gómez) Jarosch 2001
- Austropaxillus mcnabbii (Singer, J. García & L.D. Gómez) Pennycook 2003
- Marasmius podocarpicola Pennycook 2003
- Russula atroviridis Buyck 1990
- Russula littorea Pennycook 2003
- Russula rimosa Murrill 1946 [1945]
- Russula rimulosa Pennycook 2003