Recorded name | Association type | Associated organism (recorded name) | Associated organism (current name) | Country | Reference |
Alsophila smithii (Hook.f.) R.M.Tryon
is host of |
Catharomnion ciliatum (Hedw.) Hook.f. & Wilson
Catharomnion ciliatum (Hedw.) Hook.f. & Wilson
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Bazzania adnexa (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trevis.
Bazzania adnexa (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trevis.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Bazzania hochstetteri (Reichardt) E.A.Hodgs.
Bazzania hochstetteri (Reichardt) E.A.Hodgs.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Bazzania novae-zelandiae (Mitt.) Besch. & C.Massal.
Bazzania novae-zelandiae (Mitt.) Besch. & C.Massal.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Calomnion complanatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Lindb.
Calomnion complanatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Lindb.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Calomnion laetum Hook.f. & Wilson
Calomnion complanatum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Lindb.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Chiloscyphus muricatus (Lehm.) J.J.Engel & R.M.Schust.
Chiloscyphus muricatus (Lehm.) J.J.Engel & R.M.Schust.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Chiloscyphus helmsianus (Steph.) J.J.Engel & R.M.Schust.
Cryptolophocolea helmsiana (Steph.) L.Söderstr.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Cryptopodium bartramioides (Hook.) Brid.
Cryptopodium bartramioides (Hook.) Brid.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Hymenodon Hook.f. & Wilson
Hymenodon Hook.f. & Wilson
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Hymenodon pilifer Hook.f. & Wilson
Hymenodon pilifer Hook.f. & Wilson
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Hymenophyllum scabrum A.Rich.
Hymenophyllum scabrum A.Rich.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Hymenophyton leptopodum (Hook.f. & Taylor) Steph.
Hymenophyton leptopodum (Hook.f. & Taylor) Steph.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Leucobryum javense (Brid.) Mitt.
Leucobryum javense (Brid.) Mitt.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Metzgeria furcata (L.) Corda
Metzgeria furcata (L.) Corda
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Tmesipteris elongata P.A.Dang.
Tmesipteris elongata P.A.Dang.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Tmesipteris horomaka Perrie, Brownsey & Lovis
Tmesipteris horomaka Perrie, Brownsey & Lovis
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Tmesipteris tannensis (Spreng.) Bernh.
Tmesipteris tannensis (Spreng.) Bernh.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Trichocolea hatcheri E.A.Hodgs.
Trichocolea hatcheri E.A.Hodgs.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Trichocolea mollissima (Hook.f. & Taylor) Gottsche
Trichocolea mollissima (Hook.f. & Taylor) Gottsche
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Trichomanes venosum R.Br.
Trichomanes venosum R.Br.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Cyathea smithii Hook.f. | is host of |
Weymouthia mollis (Hedw.) Broth.
Weymouthia mollis (Hedw.) Broth.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
scientific name
1 January 2000
19 March 2015