Recorded name | Association type | Associated organism (recorded name) | Associated organism (current name) | Country | Reference |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Clematis forsteri J.F.Gmel.
Clematis forsteri J.F.Gmel.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Haematomma alpinum R.W.Rogers
Haematomma alpinum R.W.Rogers
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
Hypogymnia lugubris (Pers.) Krog
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Ileostylus micranthus (Hook.f.) Tiegh.
Ileostylus micranthus (Hook.f.) Tiegh.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Korthalsella clavata (Kirk) Cheeseman
Korthalsella clavata (Kirk) Cheeseman
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Korthalsella lindsayi (Oliv. ex Hook.f.) Engl.
Korthalsella lindsayi (Oliv. ex Hook.f.) Engl.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Melanohalea zopheroa (Essl.) O.Blanco, A.Crespo, Divakar, Essl., D.Hawksw. & Lumbsch
Melanohalea zopheroa (Essl.) O.Blanco, A.Crespo, Divakar, Essl., D.Hawksw. & Lumbsch
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Notoparmelia cunninghamii (Cromb.) A. Crespo, Ferencova & Divakar
Notoparmelia cunninghamii (Cromb.) A. Crespo, Ferencova & Divakar
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Orthotrichum sainsburyi Allison
Orthotrichum sainsburyi Allison
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Orthotrichum tasmanicum Hook.f. & Wilson
Orthotrichum tasmanicum Hook.f. & Wilson
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Ramalina leiodea var. condensata Zahlbr.
Ramalina glaucescens Kremp.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Rubus schmidelioides A.Cunn.
Rubus schmidelioides A.Cunn.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Teloschistes velifer F.Wilson
Teloschistes velifer F.Wilson
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Usnea Dill. ex Adans.
Usnea Dill. ex Adans.
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
Discaria toumatou Raoul | is host of |
Usnea inermis Motyka
Usnea inermis Motyka
New Zealand | CHR (Records from New Zealand.) |
scientific name
1 January 2000
25 May 2016