Fannia mercurialis Domínguez & Pont, 2014

Fannia mercurialis Domínguez & Pont, 2014: 36–38
Fannia mercurialis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
Domínguez & Pont
Domínguez & Pont
Fannia mercurialis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
Fannia mercurialis
The species name is the Latin adjective formed from Mercury, the winged messenger god of classical Roman mythology, and here refers to the type-locality, the
Mercury Islands to the northeast of New Zealand’s North Island.
Type series only. Holotype ♂, New Zealand, CL. “NEW ZEALAND CL / Mercury Is. / Korapuki I. / em. 15 Feb 88 / coll. G. Hall ; from nest material / Eudyptula minor / coll. 14 Dec 1987 ; Fannia sp.3 ♂ / Holloway, 1984 / det. B. A. Holloway 1988 ; HOLOTYPE ♂ / Fannia / mercurialis / Domínguez & Pont” (NZAC). Paratypes 2♂ 11♀: North Island. CL. data as for holotype, 1♂ 6♀ (1♀ BMNH, rest NZAC); the same but emerged 2 Feb 1988, 1♀ (NZAC); the same but emerged 12 Feb 1988, 1♀ (NZAC); Mercury Islands, Korapuki Island, emerged 28 Jan 1988 from burrow material of Puffinus gavia, collected 14 Dec 1987, G. Hall,
Taxonomic concepts
Fannia mercurialis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
Fannia mercurialis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
Fannia mercurialis Domínguez & Pont, 2014
The species name is the Latin adjective formed from Mercury, the winged messenger god of classical Roman mythology, and here refers to the type-locality, the
Mercury Islands to the northeast of New Zealand’s North Island.
Type series only. Holotype ♂, New Zealand, CL. “NEW ZEALAND CL / Mercury Is. / Korapuki I. / em. 15 Feb 88 / coll. G. Hall ; from nest material / Eudyptula minor / coll. 14 Dec 1987 ; Fannia sp.3 ♂ / Holloway, 1984 / det. B. A. Holloway 1988 ; HOLOTYPE ♂ / Fannia / mercurialis / Domínguez & Pont” (NZAC). Paratypes 2♂ 11♀: North Island. CL. data as for holotype, 1♂ 6♀ (1♀ BMNH, rest NZAC); the same but emerged 2 Feb 1988, 1♀ (NZAC); the same but emerged 12 Feb 1988, 1♀ (NZAC); Mercury Islands, Korapuki Island, emerged 28 Jan 1988 from burrow material of Puffinus gavia, collected 14 Dec 1987, G. Hall,
scientific name
31 March 2015
1 April 2015