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Eichleriella delicata (Bres.) S.H. He & Nakasone 2023

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Eichleriella delicata (Bres.) S.H. He & Nakasone, 9 14 (2023)
Eichleriella delicata (Bres.) S.H. He & Nakasone 2023

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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S.H. He & Nakasone
(Bres.) S.H. He & Nakasone
Eichleriella delicata

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On dead bark and wood of (1) Alectryon excelsus, Auckland, Comwallis, May 1952, J. D. Atkinson, 24332; (2) A. excelsus, Comwallis, June 1956, J. D. A., 24328; (3) Melicope ternate, Three Kings Is., Great King, Dee 1955, P. J. Brook, 24334; (4) M. ternata, N.E. King, Dee 1955, P. J. B., 24330; (5) Sophora microphylla, Auckland, Waikowhai, Feb 1956, P. J. B., 24329; (6) Tecomaria capensis, Mt Albert, Nov 1948, G. L. S. Chamberlain, 24331.
Fructifications coriaceous, resupinate, determinate, readily separable from substratum when old, at first orbicular or circular, becoming confluent, forming irregular areas to 16 cm in longest dimension, tan, sometimes with faint purplish or pinkish tints, bearing hyphal pegs; margins concolorous or paler than hymenial surface, adnate when young, frequently reflexed when old. usually free of pegs. In section to 500 µm thick excluding pegs, consisting of pegs, basal layer, sub-hymenium and hymenium. Pegs sterile, concolorous or darker than hymenial surface, simple, projecting to 250µm. composed of interwoven, yellowish brown. thick-walled, sparingly septate hyphae. Basal layer 20-40 µm thick, composed of interwoven, repent, thick-walled, septate, brown hyphae; in reflexed fructifications acting as a cortex, giving rise to long, brown. hair-like hyphae. Subhymenium yellowish brown, 200-300 µm thick, composed of interwoven, thick-walled, tinted, sparingly septate hyphae. Hymenium composed of dikaryophyses, cystidia and basidia; dikaryophyses irregularly branched apically, becoming gelatinised; cystidia hyaline, thin-walled, variable in shape and occurrence, typically stalked-fusiform, 35-75 x 6-12 µm, probasidia pyriform to clavate, with basal clamp connections, 15-22.5 x 9-13.5 µm, becoming 2-celled by longitudinal septa, occasionally longitudinally cruciate-septate; sterigmata to 46 x 3 µm. Basidiospores curved-cylindrical, hyaline, apiculate, 16.5-26 x 5.7-7.5 µm. Germination not observed.
Angiosperm bark and wood.
Bodman, Lloydia 15: 211. f. 10-13. 1952; Olive, Bull. Torrey bot. Club 85: 9, f. 2B. 92, f. 16. 1958.
Madras, India.

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5 December 2023
5 December 2023
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