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Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus J.E.Beever

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Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus J.E.Beever in Beever & Stone, New Zealand J. Bot. 37: 646 (1999)
Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus J.E.Beever

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New Zealand
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Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus J.E.Beever
Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus
The epithet pseudostrictus is derived from pseudo (false) + -strictus because of the early confusion of this moss with F. strictus.
Holotype: N.Z., N Auckland L.D., Waitakere Ranges, Glen Esk Stream, 25 Apr. 1992, J.E. & R.E. Beever 73-96a, CHR 570078! Isotypes: AK!, WELT!, BM!, MEL!

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Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus J.E.Beever
Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus J.E.Beever
Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus J.E.Beever
Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus J.E.Beever
Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus J.E.Beever

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Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus J.E.Beever
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus J.E.Beever
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus J.E.Beever
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus J.E.Beever
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Fissidens rigidulus var. pseudostrictus J.E.Beever
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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The epithet pseudostrictus is derived from pseudo (false) + -strictus because of the early confusion of this moss with F. strictus.
Holotype: N.Z., N Auckland L.D., Waitakere Ranges, Glen Esk Stream, 25 Apr. 1992, J.E. & R.E. Beever 73-96a, CHR 570078! Isotypes: AK!, WELT!, BM!, MEL!

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scientific name
1 January 2000
20 November 2014
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