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Melanthalia abscissa (Turner) Hook.f. & Harv.

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous

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Melanthalia abscissa (Turner) Hook.f. & Harv., London J. Bot. 4: 548 (1845)
Melanthalia abscissa (Turner) Hook.f. & Harv.

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New Zealand
Political Region
Adams (1994), recognized a single species of Melanthalia for New Zealand, M. abscissa (Turner) Hook.f. & Harv., the type material of which was collected by Joseph Banks on Capt. James Cook’s first voyage to New Zealand (1769–1770) from the Bay of Islands. However, recent work suggests the presence of three distinct taxa within Melanthalia in New Zealand, and that these are distinct from taxa from Australia (Nelson et al. 2013).

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Fucus abscissus Turner 1819
Melanthalia abscissa (Turner) Hook.f. & Harv.
Melanthalia abscissa (Turner) Hook.f. & Harv.
Melanthalia abscissa (Turner) Hook.f. & Harv.
Melanthalia abscissa (Turner) Hook.f. & Harv.
Melanthalia abscissa (Turner) Hook.f. & Harv.
Melanthalia abscissa (Turner) Hook.f. & Harv.

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Melanthalia abscissa (Turner) Hook.f. & Harv.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Melanthalia abscissa (Turner) Hook.f. & Harv.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
14 April 2020
14 April 2020
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