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Sagola stewartensis Park & Carlton, 2014

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Sagola stewartensis Park & Carlton, 2014: 145–146
Sagola stewartensis Park & Carlton, 2014

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New Zealand
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Park & Carlton
Park & Carlton
Sagola stewartensis Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola stewartensis
Holotype. NEW ZEALAND: Stewart Island: 1♂ (NZAC), aedeagus dissected and mounted in balsam on a clear plastic card, “New Zealand: SI: Codfish IS nr summit, 244m, 14XII1966 J.I.Townsend, litter 66/443”, “HOLOTYPE Sagola stewartensis Park and Carlton 2013”. Paratypes (n = 24: 10 males; 14 females). NEW ZEALAND: Stewart Island: 1♂ 2♀♀ (NZAC), Codfish I, North Hut tr, 6 XII 1981, S.A. Holloway, litter 81/207; 2♂♂ 3♀♀ (NZAC), Pegasus Creek, 24 II 1968, G. Kuschel, litter 68/64; 5♂♂ 1♀ (NZAC), Pegasus Creek, 24 II 1968, G. Kuschel, litter 68/63; 1♂ 1♀ (NZAC), ne Big S. Cape I, 91m, 22 II 1969, J.S. Townsend, moss 69/83; 1♀ (NZAC), Codfish I, Upper Valley tr, 27 XI 1981, B.A. Holloway, litter 81/197; 1♀ (NZAC), Codfish I, Summit tk, 250m, 30 XI 1981, B.A. Holloway, litter 81/199; 1♀ (NZAC), Codfish I, Upper Miro tr, 1 XII 1981, B.A. Holloway, litter 81/200; 1♀ (NZAC), Garden Mound tr, 113m, 21 I 2007, R. Leschen, T. Buckley, K. Marske, log fogging; 1♂ 2♀♀ (NZAC), Stewart Island, 14 II 1953, R. Hornabrook.

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Sagola stewartensis Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola stewartensis Park & Carlton, 2014
Sagola stewartensis Park & Carlton, 2014

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Sagola stewartensis Park & Carlton, 2014
New Zealand
Stewart Island

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Holotype. NEW ZEALAND: Stewart Island: 1♂ (NZAC), aedeagus dissected and mounted in balsam on a clear plastic card, “New Zealand: SI: Codfish IS nr summit, 244m, 14XII1966 J.I.Townsend, litter 66/443”, “HOLOTYPE Sagola stewartensis Park and Carlton 2013”. Paratypes (n = 24: 10 males; 14 females). NEW ZEALAND: Stewart Island: 1♂ 2♀♀ (NZAC), Codfish I, North Hut tr, 6 XII 1981, S.A. Holloway, litter 81/207; 2♂♂ 3♀♀ (NZAC), Pegasus Creek, 24 II 1968, G. Kuschel, litter 68/64; 5♂♂ 1♀ (NZAC), Pegasus Creek, 24 II 1968, G. Kuschel, litter 68/63; 1♂ 1♀ (NZAC), ne Big S. Cape I, 91m, 22 II 1969, J.S. Townsend, moss 69/83; 1♀ (NZAC), Codfish I, Upper Valley tr, 27 XI 1981, B.A. Holloway, litter 81/197; 1♀ (NZAC), Codfish I, Summit tk, 250m, 30 XI 1981, B.A. Holloway, litter 81/199; 1♀ (NZAC), Codfish I, Upper Miro tr, 1 XII 1981, B.A. Holloway, litter 81/200; 1♀ (NZAC), Garden Mound tr, 113m, 21 I 2007, R. Leschen, T. Buckley, K. Marske, log fogging; 1♂ 2♀♀ (NZAC), Stewart Island, 14 II 1953, R. Hornabrook.

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14 July 2015
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