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Amblystegium riparium var. debilinerve Dixon & Sainsbury

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Dixon & Sainsbury
Dixon & Sainsbury
Amblystegium riparium var. debilinerve Dixon & Sainsbury
Amblystegium riparium var. debilinerve
Isotypes: N.Z., Waikato River, just below Ātiamuri, on shallow soil on rock at edge of river, 29 April 1928, K.W. Allison 63 (herb. G.O.K. Sainsbury 510), CHR 604760!, WELT M030301!, M005810!

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Amblystegium riparium var. debilinerve Dixon & Sainsbury
Amblystegium riparium var. debilinerve Dixon & Sainsbury

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Amblystegium riparium var. debilinerve Dixon & Sainsbury
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District

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Isotypes: N.Z., Waikato River, just below Ātiamuri, on shallow soil on rock at edge of river, 29 April 1928, K.W. Allison 63 (herb. G.O.K. Sainsbury 510), CHR 604760!, WELT M030301!, M005810!

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27 October 2009
16 July 2013
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